How to make it to the top of Google?

The ultimate goal of any article is to generate the highest the number of views.For that you need to  make it to the top of Google search list or at least make it in the top 10. However, to get there is not an easy task but it also within reach with the right amount work and knowledge.

Here my 5 simple and  helpful tips which should help you get on the dream list. The list is based on my personal understanding and thought it not the guaranteed formula to success but it help big time and worth a try!


Research is the key here. Before getting started with your article do a research on how many articles or the similar topic has been written and analyze the top 10 of the list so you could also you the same strategy.SEO is an important source of traffic hence it is important to understand it not just for yourself but also your competitors. The goal is to make it to the top so replicating other’s method would be a big help because if it works for the them should also work for you.

2) Metrics

There are some metrics to measure the SEO performance which would again be a big help in reaching the goal. One of it is, website tracking. It basically  means keeping track on number of people visiting the site. This is important because the more people visiting your site increases the credibility of the work and website. Credibility is one of the thing you need in order to be top of the  Google search list. Apart from that, relevance of the article also matters. So, it is important to produce good quality content that is not niche because people are not looking for your article, the just want a good piece of information. So,as along as you produce solid content the reach would be higher and you automatically get to be on top of Google’s list.

3) Apps

There are so many apps out there that can transform your work from good to the best. Some of the best examples are like Google Click through Rate. This is a good app because it shows you the number of people click into the article. According to research, 70% of the click goes to the top of the list and that is why you have to be there. Another example would be Google Analytics which helps you measure traffic. There are plenty more apps that you can find online. Use as many as possible to help you out.

4) Backlink

What is backlink you ask? Backlinks are links to another website. They help you increase authority and also reach. However, not backlinks are created equally. Your goal is to earn quality “do follow” backlinks from high ranking pages in your niche. It is also important to remember to earn these naturally by creating  and promoting content worth linking to. Also, try to find authoritative links in that way you can reach out to those sources to pitch your latest idea or product. Though the response rate is minimum but it is worth trying.

5) Keep your eyes on enemy

The enemy here refers to your competitors. You know they say keep your friends close and enemy closer. Always keep a track on what they are up to so you  know what you are dealing with. Plus, it is also the easiest way to get started with link building. It also helps you in coming up fresher contents too.

So, there you have it, the five simple ways to get yourself straight to the top of Google ranking. Hopefully, this was helpful!

How to Use Google Adwords to Build your Company?


Google adwords is a paid platform in which advertisers bid on certain keywords for their clickable ads to appear in Google’s search results.

The big question is, Does Google adwords work? Absolutely, YES! Simply because Google is the largest advertising company in the work and adworks is one of their main source of income. The only reason they are making so much money from it is because people keep using it. Most people tend to ignore their Google Adwords as their first option when it comes to advertising because it cost money but bear in mind all marketing channel cost money and the most important thing is are you getting back what you have invested.

Unlike other platform yes, Google Adwords can be tricky to use. Hence you got to first learn how to use it to make most it. Most people tend to lose money in adworks because they do not know how to use it. Unfortunately, Google adwords is not self explanatory but with proper research and reading it is possible to excel in. Also, set yourself a proper budget before jumping in the bidding game this can help you keep track with the amount you invested in and what you are actually gaining out of it.

So why use Google Adwords?

The best answer would be that it works better than SEO. Though both are marketing strategies to generate more traffic and but optimizing Adwords can work faster to getting in the top of Google search list. Reason being is that firstly, in Adwords you can focus on multiple keywords and since you are paying for the ads to be on top of the page so in general ads on top of the list has higher visibility. Plus, in Adwords you can turn on off the ads anytime you want.SEO also works just it is very time consuming and requires lots of good writing and perseverance and backlinks whereas ads gives you an instant visibility.

Apart from that, Google adwords can also help you to reach out many people. One of the most used marketing strategy today is email marketing. Google has integrated native Gmail ads with Google adwords and made it available to all advertisers which means you can reach more people through their emails. Gmail is extremely mobile friendly hence these ads runs both in mobile and desktop. This also a quick and easy way to spread the news about your company.Another benefit of Google adwords is that it allows you measure your performance constantly. Unlike other advertising platform, Adwords tell you exactly who clicked on your ad, how much traffic you have got, how much traffic keywords has generated and much more.This would be a big help in understanding what works and what does not work for you company. With that information you can strategize and achieve optimal goal.

Another reason why Google Adwords is a great platform is because it allows you to keep an eye on your competitor. For example, if someone searches for something related to your product/services and you are not running your ads online high probability your competitor are going to get more viewers than you which means you lose your business and that is trouble there. The transparency of Google Adwords allows you to see what your competitors are up to and and you can do something different to what they are doing to stand out.

So, there you go. These are some of the reason why Google Adwords is a great marketing platform. However, do bear in mind it is a medium that would for all work unless you put in enough research and thoughts. It is very tedious but the outcome is worth it.