7 Soft Skills Every Entrepreneur Need to Be Sucessful

entrepreneurship Self Made Success Path

Entrepreneurship is the idea of owning a business or a brand. The profession as a whole is all about embracing risk, having big ideas, and making major innovations that change how others do business.

While anyone who starts a business has a bit of the entrepreneurial spirit but true entrepreneurs are distinguished by a certain visionary quality. Take Steve Jobs, for instance, he renovated our interactions through phones and computers, or Mark Zuckerberg, who transformed how we stay connected with friends and family and absorb the news.

Most entrepreneurs know the importance of investing in themselves and building valuable skills which would improve their strengths over time. Your business plan should include growth targets to achieve, products to launch, new markets to enter, events to participate in and relationships to build. If you have these types of clear targets and milestones built into your plan, that’s a great start. However, it is equally important to have certain soft skills that will ultimately only help you become more successful in your business. Whether it’s setting aside time to improve on your weaknesses, or hire a coach to help you push into a new playing field with one of your strengths, investing in your skills is never a bad move. So, the next logical question you should ask me is which skills do I need to be the game changer?

Here are the top 7 skills entrepreneurs will need to master to be able to make a name for themselves:

1. Personal Branding

Everything is moving towards the gig economy where entrepreneurs, freelancers and even career professionals now jump between ideas, startups and employers faster and more frequently than ever before.  Tenure hardly matters, and what matters the most is your personal brand, a name and identity for yourself. The overarching message about yourself, as gleaned from your online presence, professional reputation, circle of influence and the trust you command from peers, followers, customers, employers and general public. You wouldn’t want to enter the market without a strong personal brand, and you definitely afford to loose the good brand image who created to negative comments. Bad online reputation will definitely damage the business. So bear in mind, create a good impression without trying too hard.

2. Authenticity

Authenticity has become a minimum requisite for providing morale and trust and also to achieve excellence in today’s world of business. Especially among millennial and across social media channels, being true to yourself without trying to be someone else is the main objective. Being labeled duplicitous isn’t something you’ll be able to recover from anytime soon. So, it important to always be creative and come up with new and exciting contents and ideas for your business rather just replicating what is already out there. Also, remember to  take every opportunity that you can to connect with your audience and show that you’re genuinely in the game to help.

3. Persuasive Writing

While visual contents like images, infographics or hi-resolution videos are becoming staple contents for website and even more to most social media platform, written communication still reigns its wow factor. Written documents are extremely handy when it comes to highlighting your leadership thoughts, crafting compelling copy for sales pages and inspiring people to take action. Without persuasive writing skills, you won’t stand out from other skillful and media-savvy professionals. Plus, your own written article about your brand or your business would give you more confidence in selling yourself and also the reader would feel more engage and have a better image of you than of you  sharing something irrelevant. Moreover, you will need an excellent writing skills for email marketing, blog posts, on-page copy, business proposals and more. So, brush up your grammar, learn new vocabulary and start writing!

4. Sales

Sales is what keeps the business alive. It is how the cash flows in, which is what you run the business for. A company that cannot sell its products or services Will for sure is quickly going out of business. Regardless of your craft, even artists, software developers, writers and just about everyone needs selling skills to get by in the business world. If you need funding, you have to sell your idea to investors. If you want to be a successful painter, you must compel people to buy the aesthetics of your craft. Whether you’re a job applicant or hoping to close a new freelance client, you simply have to sell yourself. It is crucial to have sales strategies and proper sale planning before even venturing into the business. You cannot expect people to invest in your product or brand without you trying to convince them into the idea of buying.

5. Stress Management

Stress is a common problem in all industry. To be honest, though it is not good to stress over things but nothing worth pursuing in life is easy. So, expect episodes of disappointment, struggles and stress. The are going to be pitfall along the way but the key is to remain calm and push yourself further. Stay afloat and win your game by learning how to manage stress and re-channel it towards a positive outcome. Whether you do that by being more organized, changing your mindset, or through prayer and meditation, learning how to deal with stress will keep both your business and your health in excellent condition.

6. Sharing and Collaboration

The willingness to  commit yourself to achieving your goals will get you a step closer to that. Business partnership with competitor is rapidly growing in today’s business. It’s no accident that information sharing, crowd funding and open source are key terms describing pillars of the new economy. Wikipedia and Shopee is a great example of how sharing and collaboration have created industry-changing products and services. As an entrepreneur, sharing your goals, progression and challenges on different channels can lead to surprising solutions, strong relationships and groundbreaking business.

7. Financial Management

Knowing how to manage and grow your finances is key to success both in your business and in your personal life. Lack of the ability to manage finances exposes you to the risk of becoming unsustainable, which often leads to bankruptcy, regret and going back to a full-time job. Develop discipline and prudence, especially when it comes to purchases for personal and business purposes. Learn both technical and practical techniques that’ll help you increase your income and re-invest in the right strategies to keep your business pushing forward into the future.

What It’s Like to Be a Female Entrepreneur in Malaysia? -Chat With Ms Joanne Chew, A Self Made Businesswoman.

Are you a female entrepreneur trying to make it big in the field or a fresh graduate or stay at home mom looking to start your own business?

If yes, I am pretty sure you are worried and have a lot of questions running through your mind wondering if the business plan going to work? Are you on the right track?

What strategies would work for you and so on? To answer these questions, I sat down with Ms Joanne Chew, the CEO OF ABC Ideal Partners.

Before going into the article let me brief you through about Ms Joanne and what she does.

So, Ms Joanne along with her husband is the founder of ABC Ideal Partners Sdn Bhd a company that disturb and supply corporate and premium gifts around Malaysia.

The company’s main goal is to provide top notch products and services to our customers.

Since starting small in 1999, they are now the top supplier and distributor of corporate gifts in Malaysia and the region with over 1,500 clients.

Adding on her company is certified as ISO 14001:2004 company, which means they are a firm believer in sustainability to protecting the environment by investing in technologies and products that are eco-friendly and share this vision with our clients.

Their products are free from toxins, pollutants and any other substances that may be harmful to the environment.

Wanna surprise your partner with a customized gift, or need a bulk of trophies for office annual event?  Check out ABC Ideal Partners for more all these gifts you need. 

So, now let’s see what you Ms Joanne has got to share:

1) Tell us more about yourself and why you choose this field?

Hi, I am Joanne and I am the co-owner of ABC Ideal Partners along with my husband.

We are in this business for more than a decade now and took us some time to be where we are now but the journey was a good learning experience for us.

To answer why this niche market is simply because I like to see people get surprised and happy when receiving gifts I believe most people will be happy when receiving gifts so why not turn that emotion in business and that has been working well for us.

Also read: 5 Inspiring Malaysian Female Entrepreneurs That We Should Know About

2) What motivates you to success?

The success of my clients what drives me to be honest.

Seeing the services we are providing has helped our client in their event of the campaign and achieve their sales or marketing target drives us to do better and be better. The secret is success leads to success so work for progression.

3) What are the key qualities for a leader in business?

Ms Joanne Chew with her husband

Hard work is the first and also you need patience. 

You also need to show some compassion towards everyone around you and always be open to criticism because without it there is no room for improvement.

Also always avoid gossiping and have the passion to keep learning.

Also read : 6 Loan and Fund Programmes Available in Malaysia for All Women Entrepreneurs.

4) What are you advise for the young entrepreneur? 

Be patient and keep trying and keep learning. Stay in a healthy lifestyle. Great health leads to a great mind.

Apart from personal questions, we also discussed a lot on the market, business and sales strategies as well.

I believe Ms Joanne’s vast experience and kowledege will be really helpful for start-ups. 

Below is the interview:

1) Based on your observation and experience, what are the marketing strategies that you think would work in the business?

Word of mouth from clients. The more people that talks about you the better. Get the words out there.

Secondly, repeating sales from clients. In other words, build trust with clients is a key strategy in maintaining a good reputation of the company and increase more client.

Lastly, and the most important to date is social media. It is a NEED now.

You can’t run a business without a proper social media page to support you. Digitalization has opened up a lot of new windows so use it wisely.

Also read: Here’s How You Can Be Empowered and Empower Women in Business.

2) The biggest struggle in business is to survive and be ahead of your competitors. How do you handle that?

As said, just be hardworking and keep trying.

Look out for new competition and what their moves but no need to replicate them instead focus on your own business and try to make it stand out by working hard.

3) Lastly, what are your business goals?

My personal goal would be to build and grow together.

For example, my staffs to be in a better stage in their life, just growing successful with your staff, colleagues together. And also to improve self values and career values.

Love Note To All My Fellow Ladies Out There.

Love yourself, choose the right path and let your dreams take you high. 

Are you a woman who wants to start your own business and become an entrepreneur?

Let us know in the comment section below. We will equip with exclusive wealth resources and knowledge that will definitely take your business to the next level.

We at WMA would help you attain your goal by empowering people with the right skills in order for individuals to attain financial freedom.

Over the years, WMA has coached thousands of individuals from all walks of life and have guided them with powerful knowledge and proven skills and strategies towards the path of financial freedom.

WMA will continue to grow and remain committed with our aim to assist people towards their dreams.

For more information on comprehensive business plans by WMA, check out our main page, call us at +60 10-234 4913  or chat with us via Facebook or Whatsapp.

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