8 Reasons Why Malaysia Is The Best Place For Entrepreneurs To Launch Their Business


Despite all the political and economical chaos that has happened and is happening in the country this year, the future’s looking bright.

Statistically speaking, Malaysia is having a strong expanding economy, as The World Bank has forecast that the country’s economy will go steady at a GDP* rate of 5.4% which makes its an ideal place to start your business. (*Gross Domestic Product).

Apart for stable economy growth, there are millions of reason why Malaysia is perfect spot for your business venture.

Whether if you are foreign investor looking for a new market or if you are local trying to venture into foreign market, take a moment and appreciate the resources and sources available in the country and you will realize that there is no place like Malaysia.

Let’s take a look at eight solid and factual reason why it is feasible to kickstart your business without any hesitation and fear in Malaysia.

1) Strategic Location

Malaysia is located  in the heart of Asia Pacific Rim with many ASEAN countries surrounding it.

Offering business an easy yet massive access to the South East Asia market, which is the fastest growing market in the world right now says Forbes Magazine.

In fact, this is the main reason why many foreign investor chose Malaysia.

After all, Malaysia is Truly Asia.

2) Young, Intelectual and Urban Demographic

Though it is not the biggest country in the world but Malaysia definitely is a metropolitan with an 76% of its total population urban.

In the Peninsular alone,1/3 of the population are living in urban city areas. Kuala Lumpur alone has 1.7 Million people, and the population is continuously growing.

Apart from that, it is the only country in the world with more than 95% of literacy level for both male and female.

3) Low Operation Cost and Cheap Labors

Over 80% of startups spend half of their monthly expenses on labor and operations, if not more.  

Being able to reduce these 2 main expenses of the business can dramatically increase the survival rate of the company, especially during the early stages of growth.

Due to the lower exchange rate of the Ringgit to many foreign currencies today, hiring talented & skilled labour in Malaysia is also a lot more affordable compared to anywhere else.

4) Flexible Banking System

Modern and flexible banking infrastructure is available across the country making it easy for you to have multiple foreign currency accounts.

There are two types of banks, onshore and offshore in Malaysia. Means you can use your international card here and use local card abroad.

Personal banking on various currencies is also conveniently available for local and international entrepreneurs with valid residency visa.

5) Excellent Infrastructure and Wide Connectivity

Malaysia has an excellent network of highways which boosts connectivity and accessibility across the country with efficient cross-border highway that even links Singapore to Thailand!

It is also the home to international award-winning airlines such as Air Asia, Firefly and MAS, offering cheap flights for great savings and convenience for you to move in and around the country and beyond.

In terms of internet connectivity, Malaysia continuously upgrade its networks for its wide broadband penetration throughout the country.

Plus, it is home to one the highest number of mobile and internet users.

6)  Peaceful and Safe for Living

Since its independence in 1957, Malaysia has been an land of multi-ethnicity and culture  which consists of three major races the Malay, Chinese and Indian living together harmoniously.

It is also politically stable led by a democratically-elected coalition Government committed to the socio-economic development of the nation.

Malaysia is also well positioned and safe from major natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons.

7) Friendly and hospitable citizens

Malaysians are well-known for their hospitality and friendliness to each other as well to foreigners visiting the country.

Values of honor and respect are well ingrained in the culture in spite of racial and religion differences.

The friendly nature and positive attitude will make you feel very much ecstatic and offer great opportunities for further collaboration.

8) Wide use of English

Being under the CommonWealth shell, Malaysia has a strong English influence.

Almost of all its people can speak good English and you can find English everywhere!

Wide use of English, especially in business, legal and accounting practices based on the British system making it easy to reach global level.


WhatsApp Will Delete Your ‘Things’ If You Don’t Back It Up Soon – Here’s How and Why.

 WhatsApp will delete your chats, photos and videos if you don’t back it up soon, take note!!!


WhatsApp users have been warned earlier this year about a change coming to the world renowned messaging service. The change is now here and it has high potential of valuable information leakage with no proper guidance and protection.

Fom the 12th of November 2018,  WhatsApp users will be required to update backups that haven’t been touched in a year or it will get permanently deleted. Whatsapp announced that a system update that could see all your chats, pictures videos and audio files be deleted.

The changes are part of a deal between Google and Whatsapp, with Google agreeing users can backup their accounts and messages on their Google Drive account.

However, tech site ZDNet reports that while the Google Drive backups may be free for users, communication records will not be protected in the same way.

This is poles apart to Whatsapp’s data protection, which features the highest level of end-to-end encryption.

Though, this is not the first time that WhatsApp have said messages or media stored in backups aren’t encrypted. But with the new November 12 deadline approaching it’s worth a reminder.

Google is also advising WhatsApp users to manually back up content in the chat app before this date or risk losing precious files.

This means if users do not fully ensure all of their data, both past and present, backed up to Google Drive before November 12 they could lose all photos, chat history, video and other media after such time.


1) Key way for your audience to share content via ‘dark social’- Dark social is a term to describe when people share content through private channels such as email or chat apps like WhatsApp, as opposed to more public networks like Facebook.

2) Most widely used social network at the moment- Many of your customers are probably already using it. Whatsapp, which is only 5 years old, already has 700 million active users and more than 60 billion messages are sent through WhatsApp every single day. Officially overtaking its competitor Facebook Messenger.

3) Broad reach with a young demographics- 42% of smartphone owners between 18 and 29 years old use WhatsApp for their day to day communication, compared with only 19% of smartphone owners who are 50 or older.

4) Incredible engagement rates- 98% of mobile messages are opened and read everyday  with 90% of them getting opened within three seconds of being received.

5) Significant for information sharing-  84% of information sharing now takes place on Whatsapp. So, even if you’re not using WhatsApp to market your business, your prospects are likely using it to extend your content’s reach already.


The most critical thing about Whatsapp is that you CANNOT push messages to consumers you do not know. You need to get invited by consumers to become their contact which makes it even harder to market.

Hence here are a list of 7 seven effective Whatsapp marketing tips that can help you:

1. Create an engaging brand persona with its own Whatsapp number

People don’t like to chat with impersonal company representatives. In fact,  the most popular brands and companies have the most visible and lively company cultures.

So, try to be more intimate and personal while communicating with customers on Whatsapp.  

2. Create an identity for the person in charge of your Whatsapp channel

For instance the brand Rarepink has a Whatsapp number managed by its customer service managers who are available at all times to engage with customers.

Busy business people find it easy to engage with this person on Whatsapp, exchanging pictures of products they are interested in, asking questions and even agreeing payment and delivery terms.

3. Create a fictional Whatsapp character to build interest and engagement.

For example, Absolut Vodka created a fictional character called doorman Sven to engage with their young audience.

The whatsapp number was released in all the Absolut media and advertising and users started sending messages, songs and even indecent proposals to Sven in order to get in to the party.

Once the persona is created, the character can be used again and again for different events to bring consumers in.

4. Offer one-on-one help to inspire new uses for a product

Hellmann’s in Brazil wanted to inspire people to think of mayonnaise as a cooking ingredient, not just a condiment. So they invited visitors to their website to submit their phone numbers along with a picture of the contents of their refrigerator.

They were then connected through WhatsApp with real chefs, who came up with a recipe using Hellmann’s and the other ingredients in their fridge.

A total of 13,000 participants spent an average of 65 minutes interacting with the brand, and 99.5% of them approved of the service.

5. Make sure to constantly deliver instant and functional customer service

Whatsapp has a 70% opening rate, which means you are almost guaranteed exposure of your message if you customer is on Whatsapp with you.

Leveraging this, Banco Santander Bank in Spain, has created Open Bank, a whatsapp customer service number where you can chat with the bank, post queries, solve issues.

With 17,000 customers using the service, 99% of consumers found the service very useful and 98% said they would continue to use it.

6. Make sure your contents are relevant and free

Whatsapp has a 84% of information sharing, so you need to offer users great content on relevant topics to ensure that they are engaged with you.

A great example of this is Dr Amrik Singh, Agriculture scientist in India, who has created a WhatsApp group called Young Progressive Farmers to educate farmers on modern methods of farming for rice which use less water and get higher yield like the information below on wedding.

This method is very low cost, and you can create multiple groups for a personal bond. But remember,  as the numbers grow, one has to think of how to resource for managing a large database of whatsapp users.

7. Design an attractive promotion to get users to share their number with you

Whatsapp will remain ad free and hence in order to build a base of users, you need to offer them something of value in exchange for their phone number. This can be a promotion, a freebie, a free service or valuable information.


  • ‘Dark social’ as mentioned earlier is when people share content through private channels such as instant messaging programs, messaging apps, and email.
  • Dark social describes any web traffic that is not attributed to a known source, such as a social network or a Google search.
  • Referral traffic is usually identified by certain “tags” attached to the link whenever it’s shared.
  • Dark social links, however, don’t contain referrer data.
  • Common examples of dark social include links copied and pasted into emails or instant messages, or shared via text message.


1. Dark social is everywhere- For the past year-and-a-half, the majority of responses (clickbacks) to dark social shares have come from mobile devices.

2. Dark social has a huge impact on traffic- According to marketing firm RadiumOne, in the last year-and-a-half, dark social shares as a percent of on-site shares jumped from 69 to 84% globally.

3.Dark social data gives a detailed representation of consumers’ real interests- Familiarizing yourself with this information will allow your business to access a targeted audience of connections.

4. Dark social reaches unique demographics- 46% of consumers age 55 and older share only via dark social, as opposed to those in the 16 to 34 age group, where only 19% do so.

5. Dark social sharing is prevalent in many industries- If your business is in personal finance, food and drink, travel, or executive search, more than 70% of social sharing is done through dark social.



Measuring dark social should be an essential part of your social media ROI framework.Here’s a short list of how to do so:

  1. Use shortened URLs for outbound links in your content to get a deeper analysis of the engagement rates.
  2. Use Hootsuite’s built-in URL shortener which allows you to upload images, track real-time clicks and have the ability to post to your various social networks sites.
  3. Thoughtfully arrange the share buttons on your website so that they are easy for visitors to spot.
  4. Distinguish which are the “follow” buttons and which are “share” buttons.The sophistication of your share buttons should match the quality of your content.
  5. Use dark social tools that allow marketing professionals to track dark social traffic origins and analyze their outcomes.
  6. Check for a simultaneous spike in link traffic coming from Facebook or Reddit.
  7. Try digging into user agent data, which includes a line of code users leave after visiting a website, which identifies their operating system and browser type.
  8. Ensure all your content gets shared by creating interesting, informative and original materials. 


The Secret to Be in Rich in Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Let’s unveil the mystery behind your birthday and learn the art to make use of your destiny to bring fortune.

ARIES, March 21st to April 19th

You love taking risks hence you can be an incredible investor, gambler or entrepreneurs. You’ll make a well-deserved fortune by betting on something. The stock market is waiting for someone like you!

 TAURUS, April 20th to May 21st

Your independence and laser focus will allow you to do something no one else could pull off. When a Taurus gets rich, you know they’ve really earned it because whatever happened, it was a project they pushed through with their own blood and sweat.

GEMINI, May 22nd to June 21st

If there’s one thing Geminis have no shortage of, is IDEAS.  Everyone knows you are the go-to person for a solution. You are very passionate about everything you do in life. So, turn your passions into a wildly successful.

For the Most Accurate Career Predictions, Click HERE!

CANCER, June 22nd to July 22nd

You don’t care about money and would only want to make money because it represents love for some people. Opening counselling centres, social services school or investing in humanitarian activities allows you to be addicted to your jobs and rise through the ranks.

LEO, July 23rd to August 22nd

No deny, Leos love to be the star of the show. You’ll leverage your ability to entertain people whether it’s through writing, performing, or anything artistic. Just remember to loosen up your ego and be a team player.

To find out How Your Life is Going Be This Year, Click HERE

VIRGO, August 23rd to September 22nd

You’re so damn put-together that it’s almost impossible for you not to figure out how to make a lot of money.  So, try to invest in field or venture most people think is undesirable or difficult to make profit. Bare in mind, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure…

LIBRA, September 23rd to October 22nd

Libras are really good at building relationships. Turn this ability to get people to trust you into a valuable business partnership. You can also help your friends to win the lottery and get half of the money in return!

Here’s The One Health Problem Each Zodiac Sign Most Prone to Have in 2019. (CURE PROVIDED!)

SCORPIO, October 23rd to November 22nd

Scorpians are confident to the point of aggression. You’ll likely make your money the old fashioned way, by being a little bit of a jerk but smart enough to pull it off. So, your fortune will be made by convincing other people to see things your way.

SAGITTARIUS, November 23rd to December 21st

Your great sense of humour is your advantage. It might not be getting your own show on Comedy Central, but your humour is what makes you so likeable. Your wealth will be a result of your ability to make people laugh.

CAPRICORN, December 22nd to January 20th

Your shrewdness will allow you to do what others can’t or won’t. You have the gift of being hardcore realists and being real is going to get you what you want. You see a hole in the market and you must attack.

Here are the 7 Luckiest Colors in 2019 To Improve Your Luck and Bring More Cash.

AQUARIUS, January 21st to February 18th

Your gigantic heart and love for helping others will reap financial returns. You’ll become the well-paid executive director of an NGO or start your own business that centres around helping others. Karma works and good things happen to good people.

PISCES, February 19th to March 20th

Creative minds always stand out and Pisces are extremely creative. Whether it’s a popular book, song, restaurant or craft of another kind, Pisces are born artists. Use that magic and turn art into a business.

But remember THE REAL SECRET TO BE RICH IS HARD WORK! So, work yourself up and earn your way to bring more bling

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Can Spirituality Drive Business Success and Profitability?

The spiritual life is, at root, a matter of seeing. It is all of life seen from a certain perspective .

Spirituality Is The Essence of Life


Of course there is. The state of our business reflects the state of our mind and the state of our mind is reflected on our work. So, when we feel positive and our head and heart are aligned, we attract positive results. Every time we pursue negative thoughts, they get reflected back. In business term, it is reflected in the form of problems. This is where spirituality come as guidance. Spirituality helps in spreading positive energy within yourself and to others around you. In today’s business world, values and ethics are given less attention while making money has taken over everything else. So, giving due attention to spiritual values into your workplace will build great sense of spirit in their work environment.

Spirituality in business can be described in many different perspectives. Some may say that, it is  simply embodying your personal moral values such as honesty, integrity, efficiency, and good quality work, treating co-workers and employees  as a human being in a responsible, caring way. Some of may say that, participating in spiritual study and activities such as prayer, meditation, or intuitive guidance at work. And for some, it’s making their business socially responsible in how it impacts the environment, serves the community or helps create a better world.


Well there’s many connotation to it. It can mean anything that you think it is to be honest. For example, responsibility, integrity, moral, honesty, accountability, quality, cooperation, caring, service, intuition, loyalty, trustworthiness, respect, justice, guidance, motivation & passing benefits to concerned.

All these business ethics spiritual values at workplace will lead to increased productivity. Research by various agencies revealed that, many companies’ works with demand confidentiality about spiritual techniques and afraid of disclosing unconventional approaches adopted for betterment of organization, interns to take the lead compare to competitors.

Employees at all levels in the corporate increasingly want to nourish their spirit and creativity. When they are encouraged to express their creativity, the result is a more fulfilled and sustainable. A study by Wilson Learning Foundation, an award-winning training company, stated that around 40% of the variability in corporate performance is attributable to the personal satisfaction of the staff.  Spirituality was cited as the second most important factor in personal happiness.

While, some business people are comfortable using the word “spirituality” in the work environment, as it’s more generic and inclusive than “religion.”  Instead of emphasizing belief as religion does, the word spirituality emphasizes how values are applied and embodied. Other people aren’t comfortable with the word “spiritual” and prefer to talk more about values and ethics when describing the same things that others would call spiritual.  

There’s some fear about spiritual beliefs or practices being imposed by employers, but to date this has been extremely rare.  On the other hand, some observers warn about the potential for superficiality and the distortion of spiritual practices to serve greed. Key spiritual values embraced in a business context include integrity, honesty, accountability, quality, cooperation, service, intuition, trustworthiness, respect, justice, and service. For example, The Container Store chain nationwide tells workers they are morally obligated to help customers solve problems where they’re not just to sell people products.



Researchers revealed the several certain issues like, to survive into the 21st Century, organizations must offer a greater sense of meaning and purpose for their workforce. In today’s highly competitive environment, the best talent seeks out organizations that reflect their inner values and provide opportunities for personal development and community service, not just bigger salaries.

Those who are strongly motivated from a spiritual orientation can see clearly that there are many possible benefits to be gained from embracing spirituality at work. The benefits evolve from really knowing how to treat people well so that they thrive and are able to accomplish their best within the organisation.

People can be highly productive, innovative and cooperative in the right environments. They can feel fulfilled through their work and know that what they do each day is of value. This brings an important sense of meaning and job satisfaction. It generates happy and enthusiastic employees and productivity rises. Invoking spirituality is a way to help create work environments where people can thrive and flourish.

In a spiritual work environment, people thrive because:

  • The organisation, through line-management, takes a personal interest in their development and success
  • People are encouraged to be all that they can be
  • They are appreciated, challenged and excited at the opportunities they have
  • Business leaders promote trust and empowerment
  • Participation in collaborative dialogue is encouraged – instruction and control minimised
  • Employees are supported, coached and thanked
  • Positive emphasis is placed on relationships, ethics, inspiration and reflection
  • Successes are noticed and celebrated.

But many businesses are not like this! Rather they are run in ways that emphasise rationality, process, finance, the short-term and efficiency. Financial outcomes are often seen as the sole measure of success. Control mechanisms which are in place lead to self-centred behaviors.



Bringing ethics and spiritual values into the workplace can lead to increased productivity and profitability as well as employee retention, customer loyalty, and brand reputation. More employers are encouraging spirituality as a way to boost loyalty and enhance morale. A study done at the University of Chicago by Prof. Curtis Verschoor and published in Management Accounting found that companies with a defined corporate commitment to ethical principles do better financially than companies that don’t make ethics a key management component.  Public shaming of Nike’s sweatshop conditions and slave wages paid to overseas workers led to a 27% drop in its earnings several years ago. Another example, is the Business Week magazine report that found productivity improves and turnover is greatly reduced when companies engage in programs that use spiritual techniques for their employees.

Researchers point to several key factors. Corporate downsizing and greater demands on remaining workers has left them too tired and stressed to be creative at the same time that globalization of markets requires more creativity from employees. To survive into the 21st Century, organizations must offer a greater sense of meaning and purpose for their workforce. In today’s highly competitive environment, the best talent seeks out organizations that reflect their inner values and provide opportunities for personal development and community service, not just bigger salaries. Unlike the marketplace economy of 20 years ago, today’s information and services-dominated economy requires instantaneous decision-making and building better relationships with customers and employees.

Employee moral is important for a company to maintain, to keep high productivity and low levels of absenteeism and turnover. An important part of morale is connected to an employee’s ability to keep their spirituality intact and parallel to their work identity. If your spirituality or religion is a very important part of your life, it’s only natural for all other areas of your life to be affected, as well. There is a strong connection between body and mind. If your employer restricts your spirituality in that certain practices are not allowed, it can begin to affect your productivity.

The sustainable business, social investment and spirituality in business movements are one of the hopeful signs that business, as the most powerful institution in world today, may be transforming from within. What is emerging is a new attitude towards the workplace as a place to fulfill one’s deeper purpose. As World Business Academy cofounder Willis Harman remarked many years ago, “The dominant institution in any society needs to take responsibility for the whole, as the church did in the days of the Holy Roman Empire.”  Each day, more and more businesses are helping to create a better world by being more socially responsible in how they treat people and the environment. They are proving that spirituality helps–rather than harms–the bottom line. As Kahlil Gibran reminds us in The Prophet, “Work is love made visible.”



The differences between spiritual organizations and others are very subtle and they have a great deal to do with how we hold and react to the events that surround us. In a spiritual organization, people are much clearer that they are there of their own choosing and that they are masters of their own destiny. People are much less likely to think that they are victims. People tend to treat each experience as an opportunity for personal growth. Thus when they get angry or their ego gets bruised, they are more able to work with those situations in constructive ways.

Thus a spiritual organization differs from the more ordinary kind in that it has much better “self-righting” mechanisms. When something goes wrong, people have a natural tendency to bring it back on course, even if that takes a little emotional risk. In other organizations, everywhere you look things have gone wrong – people don’t keep agreements, people are angry with each other, teamwork is inadequate, managers treat their subordinates like children rather than delegating responsibility – but these problems get locked in because it takes too much risk to confront and correct them. In a spiritual business, two forces work to correct such problems:

Another characteristic of a spiritual organization is that it has a visionary focus. The organization as a whole has a vision, one that the employees are attracted to. People are there for a common reason, a reason that excites them and causes them to want to put in their own energy. People feel ownership and commitment to a common purpose In conclusion, the organization as a whole has a commitment to deal with and resolve such problems. The individual employees have greater self-mastery and higher self-respect, and thus will not allow themselves to be imposed upon. These two forces create a much higher chance that problems will get confronted and corrected, and contribute to the organization’s “self-righting” mechanism.



That truly depends on what success means to you. If success is building and growing together then spirituality can certainly bring success to your business. Spirituality is the knowingness that we are all connected to each other and to something much larger than ourselves and that we are in awe and wonder of its vastness of being, its potentiality, its simplicity, its peacefulness, its synchronicity, its stillness, its aliveness, its presence, its beauty and its grace.

In much of the corporate world, we have been conditioned too long to operate mainly under a competitive flag that has been driven by intense focus on short-term profits. If businesses felt the same connectedness to each other, and were all inspired by a vision much greater than just their earnings, we can develop bond deepen long-term sustainable prosperity. What an amazing company that could be described by its potentiality for impact, its simplicity in its effective execution, its sense of well-being among its employees, its aliveness of energy in engaging customers, its presence in the community, its beauty from its creativeness, and its grace and dignity by which it conducts itself.

Spirituality expands our edges beyond the duality of what life presents us and into the joy of accepting that all things are possible. It is acknowledging that the unseen is just as much a force in our lives, as those tangible outcomes which our minds and eyes are accustomed.

The limitation in business world is imposed by its linear rules and definitions. It must be seen, it must be measured, it must be  reported and it must be controlled. The world is not linear, it is quantum. We live in an amazing world that is an ecosystem of connection and possibility. Spirituality enhances our intuition, which is our communication with the unseen. Our intuition is one of the most extraordinary gifts we have as human beings. It gifts us the ability to discern complexities beyond the restrictions of our reasoning mind. If ever there was a place for intuition, business and value creation is it.

To end, sspirituality pertains to an experience of spirit, and I believe that the business community is going to see that spirit is a matter of utmost concern to them. Spirit has to do with action and productivity. If people are not enthusiastic about their work, the work will suffer. We are coming into a time in which it is becoming obvious that a new way of structuring our organizations is vital for our happiness and productivity. We are just starting to discover that we can structure work so that it is enjoyable, fulfilling, and productive.





10 ways Entrepreneurs Can Use Feng Shui For More Business

One of the best thing about being an entrepreneur is the ability to call the shots in your business. It is solely driven on your shoulder. You have control over your decisions and choice but, that’s also one of the greatest risk which means  you’re responsible for all the decisions. This is where you need some ‘black magic’ to step up and be ahead of your competitions.The ‘black magic’ here is Feng Shui (though Feng Shui isn’t really black or magic).


So, what is Feng Shui?

Feng shui is the ancient Chinese art of placement. It teaches how the placement of objects can  balance the flow of positive energy around you so that you can be at the most productive and prosperous. The literal translation for the Chinese words “feng” and “shui” are “wind” and “water.” It is through wind and water that chi flows through nature and the universe. Chi should not be impeded but balanced so that any negative forms (sha chi or “poisoned arrows”) may be offset with positive adjustment.

Yin and Yang is both a symbol and belief of natural opposing yet complementary forces that allows a harmonious universe to exist. Nothing can be totally yin or yang; there will always be at the least a miniscule amount of one in the other. Yin, the black side, is characterized as weak, passive, dark, cold, winter and female; Yang, the white side, is characterized as strong, active, bright, warm.

So, now ask yourself:  Do you want your business to be more prosperous? Want your workplace to be also be more harmonious? How would you like to think more clearly and be more productive? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you might want to consider the use of Feng Shui.

But how can you put feng shui to work as an entrepreneur?

In Feng Shui, plants are symbol of life and growth. They draws in great postive energy

Worry not. I’ve put together A list of ways that feng shui can help generate more flow  and that means more success and more sales for you.

  1. Play with Red – Want more clients? Use red folders. Chinese belief red to be a symbol pride and wealth. Plus, red in general is a very sexy and attractive color. So, when you get a client, label the file and add a Chinese coin to energize the folder for wealth theirs and yours!
  2. Clear the ClutterAccording to feng shui, work performance and business wealth can be increased by decluttering and establishing order on your desk. Productive chi cannot flow if all the stuff on your desk is blocking its movement and cluttering up your mind. So, take everything off your desk and clean up any cluttered areas around it. Put back only items that are used everyday, and papers on your desk must be limited to those for one project only. Other items and papers should be placed elsewhere like in drawers, racks and so on.
  3. Surround Yourself With the Greens – Live plants and flowers bring many positive elements into the workplace. Aside from their natural beauty, they improve air quality, unite us with the natural world outside, and their green color encourages personal and business growth. Avoid any cactus or plants with sharp-looking leaves as these as can cause fear or stress .To bring their positive influences, plants and flowers must be healthy and flourishing. If a plant dies, remove it and replace it with another. Keep in mind it better to have a silk plant than none at all. Just be sure to keep it dusted and vibrant-looking.
  4. Aim at the East- In the practice of feng shui, the happiness, success and prosperity you have in your business life is greatly influenced by the position of your desk. The optimal position is one in which your desk is very the sunrise, which is the east side. The eastern side of your room is where your health and wealth grow so position your desk there.
  5. Water brings the cashflow – Water is the most powerful symbol of money in feng shui. Its sparkling chi energy is beneficial for your health and prosperity but care must be taken to keep water fresh and clean. Scaled-down fountains that are designed for a desk or small table are a good choice if space is limited. Another great choice is either a fish tank or aquarium. Consider including goldfish in your tank as gold is a Chinese symbol for money and is thought to attract it. Another great way to incorporate water into your business is the use of any artifact that depicts water
  6. Home is Office too-  Feng shui promotes the importance of keeping business and personal life separate when you have a home office. An outside separate entrance to your office is optimal. If not possible, a room near the front or back door of the house or apartment is best.Flat ceilings promote the flow of chi and are best; otherwise hang wind chimes from cathedral or sloped ceilings to offset sha chi. Enhance your personal chi and your professional appeal by dressing well and taking care of your overall health, hygiene and appearance. Resist the urge to work at home while unshowered or adorned in your sweats or pajamas. 

    Having a clean, simple and coordinated office helps brings in the wealth and joy
  7. Feng Shui your website-  Yes, feng shui can even be applied to bytes and pixels! If often see businesses that have websites whose colors conflict, such as red and silver, green and beige, or green and yellow. These are color combinations that fatigue visitors, meaning the website is less sticky and more likely to be abandoned and with fewer repeat visitors. That’s because these color combinations make your website work against itself and that gets you nowhere. Select feng shui compatible color combinations like blue, black, and white or yellow.
  8. Beauty pays you–  If you’re a work at home entrepreneur, chances are you may have a less than inspiring work area. Invest in your office and make it attractive, organized, and functional. Having a beautiful work space is motivating and encourages creativity. When you are surrounded by beauty and inspiring views, objects, or artwork, you are more likely to think creatively, come up with new approaches to your business, and be more productive and that makes you more money.
  9. Believe in the Power of One- One is the number of opportunity and money iin feng shui. There is probably one thing that you could do to instantly make a difference in your business. What is it? For some, it would be to create that first product, for others it would mean publishing your book, and for others it might be making sales calls. But, chances are you know the one thing that’s standing in the way of your success. Get to work on just that one thing.
  10. Understand the Bagua Map- The feng shui bagua map is one of the main tools to analyze the energy of a certain space. Bagua is the feng shui energy map of your environment that shows you which areas your office, desk or home are connected to specific areas of your life. Stand inside your office with your back to the front door. Now look straight in front of you. The section of your house in the far right corner is the relationship zone. The part in the far left corner is the money sector. And work yourself around the map. This works the same with your desk.

In conclusion, to truly obtain a full and deep education and understanding of feng shui can take years. Visit your local bookstore or library to learn more about this age-old practice that has been enjoyed by faithful followers for thousands of years. Whether you are a novice or a master, there are many applications you can effect to encourage good “feng shui” and in turn affect your work environment, workers and wealth in a beneficial way.

You can use the principles of this ancient technique to help you draw more clients to you, create a harmonious business that attracts business, and builds a financial foundation for your life that gives you more control, greater freedom and feeling of personal achievement.