How Science Helps Turning Time into Money

Time is one of the most dimension that exists in our universe because it just can’t be manipulated. It can go forward, but never back. It always moves you forward. So why try to change the fact by complaining “You have got not time” , when all that time does is take you a step further.

Why is time so important in our life?

 “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” the late Steve Jobs.

Scheduling different types of tasks at work, from getting a response to your email to asking for a raise everything takes and need the right time.

How though, do I use time to my advantage you may ask? Here is in an expert advice on when is the best time to send an email, schedule a meeting, make a decision, and more. This is really helpful in utilizing time in the right way and indeed turning the quote ‘time is money’ to  practise. So, grab your pen and paper and take note!


1)When is the best time to send an email?

The biggest struggle that most people at work faces is never getting an email response on time. But, the root of the problem is not the other party is not replying you on time, it is you that did not email at the right time. The traditional workweek might be Monday to Friday is generally the best to send an email and skip the weekends is what we are taught, but if you want your email to be read, consider sending it on a weekend morning. According to a study by Yesware, a email tracking software, email-open rates are higher on the weekends. That’s because significantly less email is sent on weekends and you have less competition for clicks. You don’t have to work weekends so that to the advantage and consider apps like Boomerang or Letter Me Later that allows you to schedule when you want your email to be sent. So, you can write up the email first and save it to be sent over the weekend. Never send emails on public holiday!


2) How to get a proper response on time?

IF sending an email is a struggle, getting a quick response for it, is another. So, if you want to get a reply to your email, consider sending it early in the morning between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. In fact, make sure to do that the first thing in the morning.  Again according to Yesware, reply rates are highest in the morning about 45% more than the rest of the day. This is because early morning is the time that people are on phone and mood would be good plus fewer emails are sent during these time slots which again lowers your competition. The days does not really matter in term of getting responses. So don’t worry about the day. Focus on the mornings, instead.


3) When is the best time to ask for pay raise?

Looking for a increment in your pay? Ask your boss in the mid morning around 10-11 am, when he or she is  more open to the idea. Researchers from Harvard University, found that people are more likely to operate at a higher level of moral awareness and self-control in the morning. They call it as the “morning morality effect.” This could work in your favor when asking for a raise. Assuming you deserve it, your boss might be more likely to look at the merits of your request, Don’t ask for it or bring it up towards the end of the day as he or she will get mentally tired and tend to be less fair.


4) When is the best time for meetings and group discussions?

 Monday-morning meetings are a staple at many companies, but have you notice involvement and participation during this time is low. This is because, according to a study by an online scheduling service if you have a meeting at 9 a.m. on a Monday morning employees will need to prepare the day before which most people do not hence they turn up underprepared and if they’re not prepared, they won’t come up. Instead, hold in the meeting on Tuesday after lunch break at around 3pm- 4pm to get more participation and involvement  because Tuesday that is the furthest you can get from the deadlines at the end of the week without bumping into the missed deadlines from the week before and after lunch is works best because are fuel up and have more energy to engage and work their brain.


5) When is the best time for brainstorming?

If you’re a morning person, you might think you do your best work first thing in the day, but a study from Michigan State University found that when it comes to being creative, waiting until later in the day. Nights yields better results. Asking students to solve six different problems at various hours over the course of the day, the researchers found the best creative thinking was done when students were tired. So, if you are a night owl, you are very lucky. This is because physiological, creative thinking requires people to approach problems from a different angle. So, If you’re clear-headed, your mind will jump to the most logical solution. While it’s important to use your time of best focus for tasks that require concentration, a distracted and fatigued brain comes up with the most innovative ideas.


Lastly, Don’t Waste Your Time!

Every moment is precious whether at work or in personal life use time wisely! We still waste time because we’re creatures of habit. We’d rather not deal with the pain associated with taking massive action for fear of failure. What will everyone think? What will they say when they see you try and not reach whatever goal you’re trying to reach?

At the end of the day, results matter more than other people’s opinions. Life is short. Don’t waste it. Pursue your passions. Wake up feeling energetic and go out into the world and do something great. Add value. Give. Help. Contribute. Learn from others. And grow in the process. Become a better human, willing to serve your fellow man, giving to others even when you feel like you have nothing to give.

But even if you don’t contribute your time to others, don’t waste it. There is so much that we need to accomplish and so much that we need to achieve that wasting time doesn’t serve you. Anything that will zap your energy, will take away your time. So don’t engage in things that’ll make you feel depleted. Instead, direct the time towards good endeavors that will help you and others.


How to Use Google Adwords to Build your Company?


Google adwords is a paid platform in which advertisers bid on certain keywords for their clickable ads to appear in Google’s search results.

The big question is, Does Google adwords work? Absolutely, YES! Simply because Google is the largest advertising company in the work and adworks is one of their main source of income. The only reason they are making so much money from it is because people keep using it. Most people tend to ignore their Google Adwords as their first option when it comes to advertising because it cost money but bear in mind all marketing channel cost money and the most important thing is are you getting back what you have invested.

Unlike other platform yes, Google Adwords can be tricky to use. Hence you got to first learn how to use it to make most it. Most people tend to lose money in adworks because they do not know how to use it. Unfortunately, Google adwords is not self explanatory but with proper research and reading it is possible to excel in. Also, set yourself a proper budget before jumping in the bidding game this can help you keep track with the amount you invested in and what you are actually gaining out of it.

So why use Google Adwords?

The best answer would be that it works better than SEO. Though both are marketing strategies to generate more traffic and but optimizing Adwords can work faster to getting in the top of Google search list. Reason being is that firstly, in Adwords you can focus on multiple keywords and since you are paying for the ads to be on top of the page so in general ads on top of the list has higher visibility. Plus, in Adwords you can turn on off the ads anytime you want.SEO also works just it is very time consuming and requires lots of good writing and perseverance and backlinks whereas ads gives you an instant visibility.

Apart from that, Google adwords can also help you to reach out many people. One of the most used marketing strategy today is email marketing. Google has integrated native Gmail ads with Google adwords and made it available to all advertisers which means you can reach more people through their emails. Gmail is extremely mobile friendly hence these ads runs both in mobile and desktop. This also a quick and easy way to spread the news about your company.Another benefit of Google adwords is that it allows you measure your performance constantly. Unlike other advertising platform, Adwords tell you exactly who clicked on your ad, how much traffic you have got, how much traffic keywords has generated and much more.This would be a big help in understanding what works and what does not work for you company. With that information you can strategize and achieve optimal goal.

Another reason why Google Adwords is a great platform is because it allows you to keep an eye on your competitor. For example, if someone searches for something related to your product/services and you are not running your ads online high probability your competitor are going to get more viewers than you which means you lose your business and that is trouble there. The transparency of Google Adwords allows you to see what your competitors are up to and and you can do something different to what they are doing to stand out.

So, there you go. These are some of the reason why Google Adwords is a great marketing platform. However, do bear in mind it is a medium that would for all work unless you put in enough research and thoughts. It is very tedious but the outcome is worth it.
































所以,要给别人洗脑,最简单的策略之一就是直接引用专家的说法。以数字主导式的表达方式阐述观点。专家们说话时有一个常用的套路, 比如医学专家经常这么说: 要看一个人的身体是否真的患了癌症,主要看5个关键指标。




6. 现场进行直接的可视化验证










最后老总告诉员工说: 毛毛虫要想过河,只有一种方法,那就是变成蝴蝶。毛毛虫在变成蝴蝶之前要经历一个痛苦的阶段,它在一个茧里面,暗无天日、没吃没喝。这种痛苦要经历很长一段时间。

































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Malaysia’s economy to moderate to 4.7%, World Bank

The World Bank expects the Malaysian economy to ease to 4.7 percent prior to normalising to five percent next year.

In its East Asia Economic update, the bank noted that lower oil prices will dampen growth via delays in capital expenditures in the oil and gas sector, which is a key driver of the recent investment boom.

“Private consumption will moderate on tighter credit and a small impact from the introduction of the Goods & Services Tax (GST), before rebounding in 2016,” it said.

“A slight uptick in inflation is therefore expected despite low readings in the first half as lower oil prices are reflected throughout the economy.”

World Bank also expects current account to narrow, “although upside is possible if manufacturing export growth retains momentum from the fourth quarter.” It noted that soft oil prices were the key risk to near term growth, external and fiscal accounts.

“Although the government announced a slew of expenditure cuts to remain on a consolidation path, over a fifth of revenues depend on oil, including a yearly dividend from Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas).”

It added that if prices of oil remain low, Petronas will be hard-pressed to maintain this dividend, particularly if it is to continue its large investment program.

Other risks include weakness within the global economy which could dampen export demand, renew volatility in capital flows as well as the realisation of contingent liabilities that have increased since the global financial crisis, it said.

Malaysia’s favourable economic prospects will support household income growth, albeit falling palm oil revenues will pose a challenge to smallholders’ livelihoods.

“While the introduction of GST may impact low-income urban households, most goods consumed by this group have been exempted or zero rated…Therefore, household income growth will remain on an upward, if somewhat slower, trend, with the share of the population earning less than US$4 (RM14.08) per day expected to decline further,” it said.

10 Things Productive People Do Before Bed

The most productive people all have certain habits in their daily routines that contribute to their success. They understand that their success starts and ends with their mental and physical health, which is almost entirely dependent upon their habits before bed time.

So, here’re 10 things successful and super productive people do that leads them being in the top 20 percent of money earners in our society

1. They review their day

Steve Jobs was a strong proponent of living life to the fullest every day. He wonderfully explained this concept when he said: “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful, that’s what matters to me.”

All successful and wealthy people, before going to sleep, they think about if what are doing has meaning. At the end of each day, they think about how have positively contributed to the world and review if the goals achieved are in line with their overall vision. Thus, they make plans to track their progress and take notes to put the best in every single things they do.

So today, before going to sleep, review your day because it will force you to clarify what you want and motivate you to take action on your goals.


2. They write down their thoughts

Emmy-winning talk-show host Ellen DeGeneres used to write down her thoughts, feelings and emotions when she was younger:  “Writing is truly cathartic, because it just lets it all out and brings the best out of you”.

Super productive and successful people write down their thoughts,  sensations, feelings and emotions. They try to analyze when and why things went right and wrong. They write to improve their communication and thinking skills to be a better leader. So, by writing things down you can help yourself to sharpen your thinking, clear your mind, destroy negative self-talk and pay attention to your most dominant emotions through the day. Journaling may tell you something that you haven’t really paid much attention to about yourself or about your life.

People like Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Charles Darwin, Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Carnegie, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Winston Churchill kept a diary, so why not giving a shot?


3. They stick their noses into books

This is the proof that readers are great leaders. Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates is an avid reader. Each night before bed, he spends an hour reading a book, ranging on a variety of topics.

Many successful people in the world are voracious readers. They read at least for 10-20 minutes before going to bed every day and they learn from what others talk about. They expand their know-how to be better prepared to lead and motivate their team and build multimillionaire businesses.

Another big benefit from sticking your nose into a good book on a nightly basis is because reading  improve the long term health of your brain.


4. They set priorities for the next morning

With so many things happening on a daily basis it can be really easy to lose focus on what you are trying to accomplish. That’s why, before bed time, productive people review their schedule and plan for the following day.

They make a list of everything they have to do and before they start working they set priorities on the list. This allow them to go into the next workday feeling better prepared, more confident, and less stressed. Include this life-changing tip in your daily routine by writing down your top 3 to 5 most important tasks you need to do the next day. If for any reason you don’t do this, it should be the first thing you do every morning. And remember, every minute spent in planning saves 10 minutes in execution.


5. They spend quality time with family

“A man should never neglect his family for business.” -Walt Disney

Totally true! You have to spend quality time with your family in order to get connected and stay connected. Life is really hectic, and whatever you are an entrepreneur or an employee it always feels like there are a million things to do and the clock is against you.

But it’s really important to treat time with your family as a priority. So spend more time having meaningful conversations with your children, siblings or parents. Turn off the TV, eat dinner with your family and talk. The more time you spend together, the better chance you have of sharing quality experiences.


6. They get things done

Super productive people use their skills, talents, energies, and knowledge to the fullest extent possible. They do the things that need to be done, not just the things they like to do. They are willing to work hard and to commit themselves to getting the job done by the end of the day.

Nobody knows this better than US President Barack Obama that start the day the night before. When he awakens at seven, he already has a jump on things. We all have 24 hours and you need to use your time wisely, that’s why successful people squeeze the most out of those 24 hours as they can.


7. They do a digital detox

After being collapsed to the floor from exhaustion and lack of sleep, Arianna Huffington has been an evangelist for “unplugging”. In her best-selling book Thrive, she shares the importance of disconnect from our hectic life, relax and take care of our body and soul, redefining what it means to be successful in today’s world.

So, every night before bed, put your phone in another room, turn off the Tv and spent some time in stillness. You will feel your energy soar and overall health improve. In addition, you will have more time for other activities you really enjoy.


8. They spend time in nature

There is no greater example than Sir Richard Branson. However as Branson has demonstrated throughout his hectic business career, that doesn’t mean you have to cut out the things you enjoy most in life. To be refreshed and ready for anything, you need to find time to go in nature and have fun.

If you can’t swim in the crystal clear water of the Caribbean, having a walk routine could be a perfect way to turn off your thoughts about work after a stressful day and reflect on different things that interest you or to just empty your mind and enjoy the silence.


9. They meditate

Russell Simmons, Tim Ferriss and Oprah Winfrey, just to name a few, all meditate in the morning and before bed to perform to their full potential throughout the day. In fact, when our mind is more relaxed we are more receptive to ideas and find even easier to focus on frustrating tasks.

So set aside 10 minutes each day before going to sleep to meditate and let your thoughts flow naturally. The next day you will be more energetic, focused and productive.


10. They envision their future

Many successful people take a few minutes before bed to envision a positive outcome unfolding for the projects they’re working on. Oprah Winfrey is one of the world’s super productive people who use visualization techniques to picture tomorrow’s success and get clarity on challenges and obstacles. So, spend a few minutes each night visualizing yourself as successful the next day. This will help motivate you to make it happen because you’ve already seen it in your mind’s eye.

If you can develop these 10 habits of successful people you will increase your productivity overnight and your life will be a lot better. So, what successful habits do you practice before going to bed?


10 Things Smart People Don’t Do

1. They don’t overlook the possibility to save money

Prudence is a virtue, not to be mistaken with greed or stinginess. Being able to handle your finances and save, by avoiding unnecessary expenses, is an admirable quality. In fact, it is surprising how many small details there are, warranting closer scrutiny.

These seemingly meaningless expenses can be easily avoided, and the amount of money you can save can amount to something rather significant.

For starters, buying a tap filter can reduce the money spent on bottled water. Opting to refill a printer cartridge, rather than buying a new one is another judicious investment. Replacing light bulbs inside your home with those that conserve energy, is yet another wise choice. Utilizing apps to reduce credit card processing fees, or choosing a big bank as your provider, instead of your local town bank, is also a good decision.

The internet has an unfathomable amount of quality content, both educational and entertaining. Paying for a cable or magazine subscription is undeniably meaningless. Almost anything you are after can be found online, at cheaper price, either as a streaming service, or as an online news article.

The point is, learn how to fully realize the things you are already paying for or have at your disposal – that’s what being smart is all about.


2. They don’t heavily rely on others

There is nothing wrong with having friends, family members or coworkers you can trust and rely on. Everyone should have someone they can count on when things go south. Heavily relying on someone, however, only portrays you as powerless. As a smart individual, you should never indulge such a commodity.

You can have a brilliant mind, outstanding intelligence, etc. but if you do not put those traits to good use, then you will only come off as incompetent. When you are in need of assistance, pay close attention, see if your problem was truly difficult. In a great number of cases, it is our fear and insecurity that prevent us from acting.

There is always a thought “What if I only make things worse?” The thought is perfectly justified. The unwillingness to overcome such a fear on the other hand, isn’t.


3. They don’t act irresponsibly

Do not mistake this statement as “Smart people don’t have fun” or “Smart people are boring.” You can have fun, you can have a drink, or have a good laugh. Irresponsibility does not equal uninteresting, it only means you like to have an organized lifestyle.

Superior organization leads to greater efficiency, whether you are a student, an employee, a business owner, an artist, or a celebrity.

We all have certain responsibilities, and they are not always imposed by someone else. Putting them off for no valid reason is simply packing to travel into a more stressful future. Almost everyone experiences how being irresponsible tends to backfire, but smart people simply practice what they learn from such inconveniences.


4. They don’t feel defeated just because they need to reevaluate their convictions

Our environment, our parents, our education and our past are all responsible for forging our convictions and our perception of the world. It leads to a creation of what is referred to as “umwelt” which roughly translates as “self-centered world”. Umwelt is more connected to how we create the image of the world surrounding us by using our sense, but it can be extended to our point of view on philosophical matters.

The convictions we acquire throughout life are not wrong per se, but are very likely to be proven incompatible when exposed to an entirely new experience or more difficult questions that need answering. Also, if you move out and change the environment you are likely to witness different patterns of behavior, simply because education, or lack of education in some areas, resulted in the blooming of other other human qualities.

Sooner or later, our convictions are challenged and sometimes they will triumph, sometimes they will be trumped. Smart people constantly challenge their convictions; they do not discard them. They reshape them, and they allow them to grow proportionally with their new experience. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to broaden your mind-set, you are not defeated if you gained something valuable.


5. They don’t dwell on their errors

To clarify, this refers to companies that manufactured a bad product, or movie directors who made bad movies, etc. It is not uncommon to come up with an idea for something that appears like a true masterwork for us, but once it’s realized, the general public may not be that impressed. It can feel humiliating and really unpleasant, however it happens, whether we like it or not.

When you are making something intended to be appealing to the masses, and in the end fail, start over again from scratch. If you want to impress, listen to your audience, don’t try to patch up the product, or make sequels, in an attempt to prove your vision was brilliant.

This kind of behavior will only cost you your credibility, and even when you manage to come up with something good, people might not even bother to give it a try. It won’t make you neither weak nor foolish, if you know when to give up. It will only give you more time to work on your comeback.


6. They don’t permit their past to hold them back

The past cannot be erased, and it does not come back to haunt us, it simply never leaves. We need to learn how to cope with it, and not allow it to interfere with our future achievements. If there is nothing useful to be recovered from the past experience, simply close those doors and let it go.

Past experiences shape who we are today, and our previous struggles can build a strong character, but people tend to use their past to justify their mistakes or behaviour. Perhaps we use these excuses to gain understanding from others, or to make it easier to forgive ourselves.

Still, if you acknowledge your flaws but refuse to do something about them just because you have an excuse, then you have chosen an easy way out, and that’s not what smart people do.


7. They don’t rely on good luck to solve their problems

“Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.” A good quote to be guided by when you invest your time and efforts into something. Hope for the best possible scenario is what motivates us, whereas preparing for the worst prevents us from falling apart. On the other hand, simply hoping for the things to work themselves out is no different from being lazy.

Luck should only take credit for a fragment of your success, considering that relying on it too frequently will only suffocate your ambition.

Besides, smart people would never permit luck to take glory for all their hard work. When you pour your heart and soul into achieving your goal, it would be disappointing to give good fortune the title of “major contributor”.


8. They don’t neglect important aspects of their business 

One of the key factors responsible for success is attention to details or just paying good attention in general. When one is trying to be a smart business owner, he or she is generally governed by the idea that with a quality product, success is guaranteed.

The logic is not entirely flawless, since even if you can offer a top quality product at a better price than your competition, you are still a far cry from a lucrative business.

The absolute necessity for a successful selling period is credibility, meaning you will need to have a good advertising tactic. This implies striving towards omnipresence and professional appearance, which brings us to the most efficient tool for spreading this kind of brand awareness, and that is your website.

The impact of the website should never be underestimated; people will judge you as a professional based on your website design, its responsiveness, authority and its content. There are numerous people who offer an amazing type of service or products, in person, but simply look like amateurs online.

Start off by finding a good web hosting service, to ensure your sites responsiveness, proceed with quality design, and finally, eloquently describe your product or service.

Clearly, this is a single example of an important aspect, there are others as well. like providing a good customer service and creating efficient incentive plans etc. But the point is never to push in one direction. Always work on numerous fronts.


9. They don’t hesitate to learn from their mistakes

Mistakes are inevitable. Sooner or later something goes wrong, and an unaccounted for variable emerges, and places a grave dent in our previously well-laid schemes. You can’t always have everything under your control, and we do not have the degree of awareness necessary to view every possible angle.

Mistakes are there to remind us of our flaws, and force us to mitigate the impact they have on our lives. Honestly, mistakes can teach us a lot about our lives, and ourselves, but only if we let them.

Learning from your mistakes means finding what is worth salvaging from your unfortunate experience, realizing what went wrong and finding a way to avert it in the future. Smart people use this input to work on themselves, and change the things they have the power to change.

Arrogant people look for excuses, and choose to blindly believe in their judgement without any retrospect. Not only does this kind of behaviour hinder your future success, it also drives people, and allies, away from you.


10. They don’t give up on their ideas just because other people don’t agree with them

I know that it was stated how knowing when to give up and start anew is a good thing, and how being too stubborn or pushy will ultimately yield bad results. Well, a wise person knows when he or she should push the envelope and stand firm when the situation takes a turn for the worst.

There is a difference between when someone gives your idea a chance and did not like it in the end and someone not giving your idea a chance at all. We are all entitled to constructive feedback on why our ideas or products are not satisfactory.

If someone wants to discard our efforts based on a hunch, do not let them. Fight for your chance to shine, or try finding someone else who will hear you out and appreciate your idea.

There is always a possibility that someone is intimidated by your expertise; thus that person wants to hinder your development. If you want to publish or launch something, look for more than one opinion. Even if the first one is flattering, look for more.

Constructive criticism can be used as a precious insight for the future.


10 Habits of The World’s Most Productive People

Everyone has had the experience of not having enough hours in the day to accomplish everything you need to. Given the busy lives that we all lead, staying organized and staying productive can be a challenge. It is easy to get caught up on the wrong path and waste valuable time you need to get things done. Take some advice from ten of the world’s most productive people about staying on task and staying productive.

1. No Email in the Morning

Author of The 4-Hour Workweek Tim Ferriss has a brilliant strategy for handling the ubiquitous time-sink that is email. He spends the first few hours of the day ignoring it. According to Ferriss:

“You might need to get into your email to finish 100% of your most important to-dos. But can you get 80 or 90% done before you go into Gmail and have your rat brain explode with freak-out, dopamine excitement and cortisol panic? Yes.”


2. Create a System for Certain Tasks

When you have something you work on everyday it is best to create a system to handle it efficiently and without getting overwhelmed. Tony Hsieh, CEO of has come up with a strategy for staying on top of emails that he calls “Yesterbox.” Each morning when he boots up his computer he only answers emails he received the day before. As he explains on

“The great thing about this is when you get up in the morning, you know exactly how many emails you have to get through, there’s a sense of progress as you process each email from yesterday and remove it from your inbox, and there’s actually a point when you have zero emails left to process from yesterday.”


3. Limit Decision Fatigue

Each time you have to make a decision you use up a little bit of your limited supply of mental energy. To make the most of your cognitive reserves eliminate unnecessary decisions and simplify others. Take an example from productivity gurus like Steve Jobs, Barack Obama, and Albert Einstein andwear the same outfit every day. By not spending time and energy on picking out clothes, you have more time and energy to devote to more worth-while things.


4. Handle Things Once

When swift action or decision-making is required, use Harvard Business Professor Robert Pozen’s OHIO strategy and Only Handle It Once. If you get an important email that requires your attention, reply immediately and move on to the next task. Keep your day moving and keep easily finished tasks off your to-do list.


5. Prioritize Tasks

Sometimes the best strategies for staying productive are the most obvious. Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg stresses the importance of getting easy tasks out of the way in rapid-fire succession:

“I think a simple rule of business is, if you do the things that are easier first, then you can actually make a lot of  progress.”


6. Take Vacations

In a world where everyone is always fighting to get ahead it might seem counter-intuitive to go on vacation, but more and more companies are adopting policies that make time away from the office mandatory. Taking some time to clear your head and relax can do wonders for your productivity when you return. Follow Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer’s philosophy:

“I pace myself by taking a weeklong vacation every four months.”


7. Sleep

Similar to taking regular vacations, getting a good night’s sleep will recharge your brain and improve your ability to stay on task. Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington swears by the strategy of stepping away from a perpetually busy schedule to get the necessary amount of rest (at least 7 hours a night). Not only are you more able to make decisions when you’re rested, those decisions tend to be of better quality and you are less likely to feel overwhelmed by them.


8. Stay Fit

Take a page from Virgin CEO Richard Branson’s playbook and treat working out like it is part of your job. Many productive people (and scientists alike) find that engaging in at least 20 minutes of moderate intense exercise each day keeps their brains working at a high level and their energy levels high to match.


9. Start Early

You may not love the idea of waking up at the crack of dawn but a surprising number of the world’s most productive people love to get a head start on their day by starting early. Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz takes advantage of working at a company built on foundations of caffeine:

“I get up around 4:30, and naturally the first thing I do is make some coffee.”


10. Keep a Routine

Let’s end with a tip from one of the busiest and most powerful men in the world, US president Barack Obama. The secret that keeps him from getting overwhelmed when the going gets tough is to keep to a strict schedule. In addition to only ever wearing blue or gray suits, the leader of the free world insists on his morning workout, dinner with his daughters, and having a late night block of time devoted to reading and preparing for the next day’s work. By limiting uncertainty, he is able to stay maximally productive.



10 Management and Business Skills Everyone Should Learn To Be More Productive

Business leaders measure productivity by the quality and quantity of output over input. Management seems to have a big part in a business. They decide, implement actions, and take the control. The professional skills and roles of managers are important to be adapted and put into practice not only by business people but all people who want to do and be more everyday.

1. Prioritize tasks

Lining up your daily tasks can be one of the effective ways to be productive.Focus on what is important by asking what are the things needed to be done first or by measuring the value of each task needed to be accomplished. It is essential to assess the things needed first to finish the right job at the right time.


2. Manage time properly

Get an early start. Doing things now instead of later is the ultimate secret that business people use to get more done, providing a schedule and record to help them track their activities and progress during the day. They reward themselves with a break that is short enough to avoid wasting time but long enough to refresh and clear their minds.


3. Know when to say ‘yes’ and when to say ‘no

What keeps people from saying ‘yes’ instead of ‘no’ (when they mean ‘no’) is the fear of losing opportunities. In some cases, there are people that don’t want to be rude to others and make others feel rejected, so they take the responsibility. But, it is all up to you. Come to think of it, everyone has their own desires and priorities in life. There is nothing wrong with saying ‘no’ to the things you don’t want and you are no longer interested in doing, as long as saying it will do no harm to others.


4. Begin with the end in mind

Business people have a clear picture of the goals they desire to achieve or to have at the end of the day, week, month or even year. It helps them focus more on important concerns. It also involves the idea of “believing in yourself” that you can do it. Efficient and timely strategies can lead to successfully achieving the goal. Nothing happens in waiting for things to come your way, so the most important step is to make it happen.


5. Keep on learning and finding new ways

Knowledge can be found everywhere. It is not only something people can get in school, but is also acquired through their personal experiences. Productive business people look for hobbies that will encourage their learning everyday. They explore. They are open to new great things that could help them grow mentally, physically, and emotionally.


6. Allocate resources efficiently

In business terms, resource allocation is the proper assignment and management of scarce resources to effectively support an organization’s goals. Management knows how to maximize their time (to get duties done before the deadline) and power (to create and accomplish more productive things everyday). They learn to value what they have today and create wise actions out of it, because not all things will be present at all times.


7. Use the right tools to stay productive

Productive tools can improve the level of productivity and maximize efficiency while working. Mobile phones, although not objectively stated, are obviously essential when dealing with your team, for example, in group projects, since it can bridge the gaps of communication with the members. With the rise of technology, productivity applications on mobile devices are highly useful and powerful and helps business people keep track of daily agendas and increase their productivity level.


8. Live for today

“Work smarter, not harder.”

Productive business people normally dwell on things they have yet to achieve, but they always have breaks intended to appreciate life and to focus in the ‘now.’ They avoid worrying about things regarding the future that can ruin the day.


9. Deal with the unexpected

Unexpected events can come anywhere, at any time, to anyone. Business people prepare for the worst. They learn to keep everything in mind to deliver a quick and meaningful response.


10. Get organized

Like beauty, organization comes from within. It has to start within oneself before other people can actually see it. Organized people know how to keep everything in its proper place. They carry a journal and love to make lists. They are busy categorizing so everything will fall into place.


Why You Should Want Your Employees to Love Each Other

There is something to be said for an environment where people feel comfortable expressing appreciation, respect and caring for their co-workers.

When employees can feel really comfortable and supported in the workplace, magic can happen — innovation peaks, creativity stirs and collaboration naturally happen. This is how really great results are produced. When you create an environment where “we win” is supported over “I win,” you will create a much more supportive and collaborative work environment. And what’s not to love about that?


1. Embrace differences.

Most workplaces today are extremely diverse. Backgrounds, life experiences, choices and worldviews — we all bring something different to the table. You don’t have to become an advocate for each person’s unique traits, but you can embrace those differences to benefit the workplace as a whole. Do this by looking for ways to assign people with unique talents and abilities to certain situations where they would be a good fit and by looking for common ground among people and celebrating both the similarities and the differences.


2. Listen deeply.

Focus on listening as much as you talk. Every person has a need to feel heard, and being a good listener can help your employees feel that they have a voice. Even if you can’t implement an employee’s idea or solve a problem she may have, your willingness to listen will make a difference.


3. Care about others — and show it.

It may seem easy to simply care about your employees, but it can be difficult for some bosses to show it in a genuine way. Take time to understand your employees’ points of view, and make exceptions to the rules when necessary. Make it a priority to express your appreciation to them in a genuine way.

If emotional intelligence is something that your workplace just doesn’t embrace, consider making an argument for how this can effect not just employee morale, but your company’s stock performance too. An important economic link between company intangibles, such as employee satisfaction, and broader financial performance among large publicly held companies.

So make your workplace where employees love each other. This could be the key to achieving your organization’s goals.
