6 Ways Successful People Spend Time Spare Time.

Does it ever come over your mind, what successful people do when they get home, or on weekends, when they’re away from the office and away from their computers?

Studies show how people spend their free time can actually have a big impact on their success in personal and professional life. Successful people tend to spend their free time in many wise ways (of course) so read below and find out why:


1. Exercising

It can get your blood pumping, get your endorphins flowing, and revitalize your spirit.  You’ll build muscle, burn calories, and oxygenate your brain which give you a mental relieve after a stressful day.

Exercising regularly also helps you remain disciplined, which can be valuable in a demanding work environment. You’ll also look better and feel better, which gives you greater confidence.

So go out for a jog, do yoga, dance, swimming just do something fun and keep your active and healthy!

2. Reading

Successful people never stop reading new books. Whether it’s fiction or nonfiction, books help give you a greater understanding of the world around you.

It introduce you to new characters, environments, cultures, philosophies, and ideas, or might even help you build new skills.

Reading also regularly helps to build your vocabulary and your semantic comprehension, giving you greater communication skills which is handy during a  small talk and saves you from those awkward silence during business meetings.

3. Learning New Skills

The most successful people in the world are the ones who make a commitment to never stop learning. They’re always incorporating new skills for their resumes and learning new aspects of the world around them.

Instructional courses aren’t particularly difficult to find, either, especially in the modern era. Many local colleges offer courses for free, and you can peruse local forums or gatherings to find impromptu group workshops.

Don’t underestimate the value of free online courses. If you have a free hour and an Internet connection, you can start learning a new skill.

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No matter where or how you do it, volunteering is beneficial for you and your community.

Whether you’re helping to clean up the ocean , working in a soup kitchen, or providing mentorship to a group of childrens , your time goes a long way toward improving the community around you.

Professionals primed for success realize the importance of giving back to the community, and feel happier because of it.

5. Meeting New People

Successful people are willing to step outside their comfort zones in an effort to meet new people–regardless of any professional circumstances surrounding that effort.

They are not necessarily interested in meeting people to land a new affilance or find a new employee–instead, they simply like talking to people and meeting people, and success naturally follows them from there.

Networking include weekend breakfasts, cocktail hours, and after-hours gatherings for conversation and usually food and drinks.

By attending our events you can wider your network of contacts which leads to more opportunities you’ll have down the road.


6. Spending Time With Friends and Family

Remember your job isn’t everything!

Focusing too much on your career is self-sabotage, no matter how counterintuitive that might sound.

If you want to be successful in life, you have to prioritize your personal relationships like your bond with your friends and family members.

No matter how much you want to be successful and climb the corporate ladder quickly, you can’t neglect your friends and family to do it.

Lastly,If you don’t spend your free time like this, IT’S OKAY!  

It doesn’t mean you have no chance of being successful. However, picking up some of these strategies can improve your abilities, improve your mindset, and expand your network to levels that will increase your chances for success in the workplace.

Start incorporating a few of them into your free time routines and you might just be surprised at the results.


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10 Fun Psychological Fact About Colors That Can Help Your Ad Campaign Run Long!

Do you feel serenely calm when surrounded by green fields and blue skies? Or why you feel slightly alarmed when staring at a red stop sign?

Everything has a color to represent. In fact,whole universe runs around colors and plays a vital part in everyone’s daily life.

But how much do you  really know about colors?

The article aims to helps marketers and advertisers to understand the psychology of color and how to play around with colors in your next ad campaign to increase sales and customer base.


  1. Color psychology studies shows colors can evoke feelings of trust, security, urgency, relaxation and much more which can lead to decision-making and motivates call to action.
  1. 93% of buyers pay attention to the visual aspects of the ad first before sound, smell and so on.
  1. Studies also  show that color is the first thing people associate to a brand. Most consumers agreed that the strongest cue to making the final purchase is color.

So, now let’s dig a little deeper into the fascinating world of colors and discover interesting color facts that are worth knowing.

This would really help advertisers and marketers in choosing the right colors for the ad campaigns and brands.

1. RED

First color that babies see. Increases blood pressure, heart rate and sexual desire!


 Helps mind find the physical and emotional balance which lead to clarity and boost decision-making ability.


 Stimulates logic centre of the brain which can be use to draw in impulsive buyers. Also, create a huge temptation for food. Oh, also can create nausea.


Triggers more enthusiasm. Makes food tastes better but excessive use can  create anxiety and make babies cry!!!


Can trim down the appearance of size of objects! Also, symbolizes intelligence but can be overwhelming sometimes which trigger fears.


World’s most popular color, mostly preferred by men and young people think of it as a sign of maturity. Also, boost productivity and curbs appetite.


 Triggers creativity and imagination. Suitable for anti aging and beauty products.


Symbolize solidarity but too much of grey leads to feeling of loneliness, depression and death.


 Project neutrality and gives the mind a sense of purity and cleanliness.

10. PINK

Leaves a calming effect that reduces anger and control the untamable behavior.  That is why prisons cell mental care institutions paint their walls pink!


The Astonishing Link Between Food and Work Productivity

Healthy Food, Healthy Life

When we think about the factors that contribute to workplace performance, we rarely give much consideration to food. But as it turns out, the food that we eat affect us more than we realize.

Food has a direct impact on our cognitive performance. For example skipping morning breakfast can drench your mood at work,  a poor decision at lunch can derail an entire afternoon and so on.

Therefore, it is extremely important to watch what eat in order to excel in all aspects of life.

This article is about all of the ways nutrition can affect productivity, and learn how you can improve your work life by simply making healthier food choices.


1. Eating at the desk

Where you eat your lunch, and who you are eating affects your attitude at work. In the fray of a busy day, cramming down a sandwich whilst catching up with emails is the only way to stay on top of things.

However,  studies shows that the act of getting up and walking around throughout the day has not only health benefits, but also keeps your brain stimulated.

From a company culture perspective, instilling an environment where colleagues socialise increases overall outputs. Lunch time is prime time.

2. Excessive intake of processed food

Processed food are go to food for most working people because is it is can be consumed at anywhere and they usually have long lifespan hence people eat them for breakfast, lunch or snacks in between

Excessive intake can lead to the development of coronary heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. These chronic health conditions can result in productivity loss at work and have a negative impact on the quality of life.

When your body feels poorly, your mind suffers too and doesn’t function properly.

3. Insufficient amount of glucose (sugar level)

Sugar kills they say but remember almost anything you eat will raise your blood sugar in some way.Therefore, if your blood sugar gets too low, you’ll need to eat something if you want to achieve your optimal performance.

Researchers have found that the ideal amount of blood glucose to have circulating in your body is 25 grams

Any less than that, and your productivity will take a hit. Vice versa, any more and you won’t be able to do much with the extra energy.

4. Overabundance of carbs

Carbohydrates are typically found in more bread-oriented and sugary foods. Though, carbs are a necessary part of a healthy diet, but it not the most important part of the meal.

Foods rich in carbs tend to cause the body to produce a ton of insulin, which in turn floods the brain with sleep hormones like serotonin and tryptophan which is why you always feel sleepy at heavy starch based foods.

In fact, carbs are directly related to the body’s insulin levels, therefore over consumption can have a devastating effect on those daily energy reserves.

5. Dehydration

The idea of “drinking water is good for you” is quite commonplace nowadays. Despite knowing that it is a good idea to drink more, a lot of us rarely do.

Try making drinking water more of a habit. For example put a jug of water on your desk. You’ll likely spend a similar number of trips to the tap or water cooler than if it was a small glass, and doing so will compel you to stay hydrated throughout the day.

However, sugary soda drinks will contribute to your glucose levels shooting up and down, and so to be weary of when you have them,


  1. Blueberries- These berries have a great combination of antioxidants and a high amount ofgallic acid, which can protect brain from degeneration and oxidative stress and boost our focus and memory.
  2. Avocado-  They are a natural stimulant and help the brain cells work at their best. Also contain healthy fats that give you energy and improve your focus.
  3. Almond Rich in healthy fatty acids, antioxidants, and plant protein. They support healthy brain function and  revent cognitive decline.
  4. Green tea They contains theanine that can help you with focus and concentration
  5. Dark chocolate- They not only offers that little something sweet but gives you an energy boost and also contains magnesium which helps ease stress.
  6. Raisins- Raisins are rich in antioxidants but are low in fat and calories. Which makes them an ideal snack to boost your energy and enhance productivity.
  7. Salmon- Salmon is rich in Omega-3 which is helpful for improving mental performance and improving memory. It also eases the symptoms of depression.
  8. Sunflower seeds- They are considered to be an essential source of fatty acids, proteins, and vitamins and are a great food to fight fatigue and help you stay productive.
  9. Broccoli- It’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can improve your thinking and boost your focus.
  10. Spinach These greens contain a lot of antioxidants and can help improve learning capacity.


1. Make sure to have a healthy breakfast. Do not skip breakfast

2. Organize the cupboards at the work pantry  so that those healthy, important foods are at the front.

3. Prepare snacks for during the day to help ease those spells when you feel hungry

4. Always have a little box of nuts, or a bar dark chocolate, a fruits in the bag or work desk

5. Use a smaller box or plate for your meal so that the food fills it.

6. Alternate high sugar food to also healthier high sugar option like berries and fruits

7. Talk to your coworkers and bosses about ways you can create a more nutritionally savvy workplace.

8. Pack your lunch ahead to ensure that you have the types of food you need

9. Avoid fast-food meal for lunch as it offers empty calories and can cause your blood glucose to skyrocket and crash

10. Do not skip any meals despite tight work schedule

11. Pack food that does not spoil easily  and stay fresh longer like boiled eggs, peanut butter, cheese, ham or tofu

12. Swap colas to low-fat dairy drinks  like skim milk, low-fat yogurt or smoothies



比方说,你跟不对的人合伙,共创事业,生意经营到半路,却发现对方跟你经营观念不同,产生许多摩擦,最终亏大本,走上倒闭的命运。你会说自己创业梦失败了吗?或许那一次是吧,但认真想想这真的也没什么啊!它并没有让你无法翻身,毁了你的创业梦。若你能从那次的挫折中理解了人性,了解了纷争该怎么处理,提升了看人的眼光,搞懂了做生意的规则,这段经历其实是你获取日后再次创业的 “好教训”。



  1. 当机立断:碰到生命的挫折没关系,要懂得当机立断做出选择。比方公司经营管理出现许多问题时,只有尽快做出抉择,才能将亏损降至最低。很多人会因为不甘心沉没成本,让自己耗在一个不对的情境中。他们会觉得:“我都投入了这么多资金,结果怎么可以一无所获?”这种放弃后什么都没有的心情,确实是会让人很不爽的。可是人生应当成一个长期的投资来看,你越是不愿意当机立断地做出停损,你的成功就越只能延后取得。所以学会当机立断才是每个人在处理挫折最重要的功课!已经投入的时间与心力固然可惜,但在这里停留太久,以至于推延自己的长期目标,这恐惧是更糟的事情!
  2. 吸收教训:每次挫折都该从中学到一些教训。人生会上当,会碰到挫折很正常,可是不能容许自己一再掉入相同的陷阱。换言之,碰到人生的挫折,应该要给自己一段时间自我对话: “如果时间能重来,有没有什么是我可以做得更好的?”当然,时间是不能重来,我们也无力去扭转过去做错的事情。可是当你每次碰到挫折,都这么自问自己,你会养成一个对自己选择负责的习惯。​​
  3. 接受现实:人生确实不是凡事都顺利,在不顺利时唯一能做的就是坦然接受现实,想办法分析手上的牌,然后尽量把牌打好。若是任由自己停留在过去中,甚至心中充满着愤恨,及不满,把问题的根源都推到别人身上,这样你就无法让失败化作将来成功的基础与养分。只有让自己远离问题,才能清楚看到人生的整个大局,也能更快速走向成功。人生最重要的不是哀伤过去,而是要从中学会下次面对类似状况的优雅。这才是唯一重要,也是唯一必须坚持与努力的事情!