

















统一了利益就会统一人心 ,但如何执行又是一门好学问。欢迎参加WMA 的《股权激励与股权设计》课程, 为自己的企业量身定制一套有效调动员工积极性的共赢商业模式!把企业做强做大!欲知更多,请浏览股权激励与股权设计网站



在英文中,“企业家”(Entrepreneuer)和“企业主”(Business Owner)其实是两个含义很不一样的词。只要你家里有个什么买卖,哪怕是个纯粹为了养家糊口的小卖部,你就是一个“企业主”,但你未必是“企业家”。二者之间的区别并不在于公司的大小。哪怕你由于什么特权,垄断了某种稀缺资源,根本不需要搞任何创新就能获得很好的利润,那你还是一个成功的企业主,但还不是企业家。


“企业家”,必须有点精神追求,所以才有“Entrepreneuership”这么一个高大上的词。什么叫企业家精神?标题的意思是“疯狂的天才:企业家宣言”。作者 Randy Gage 既不是学者,也不是一个严格意义上的“企业家”,他的主要工作是到各地演讲和写书,忽悠别人创业,告诉别人怎么做好企业家。这个工作听起来不靠谱,但发达商业社会需要很多这样的人,而且人们对他们是买账的。





















1. 目标讨价还价,利益你争我抢

2. 部门各自为政,互相推诿扯皮

3. 不放权不积极,一放权就乱搞

4. 老人坐吃山空,新市场无人做

5. 成本浪费严重,没人关注利润

6. 工作散漫懈怠,组织效率低下

7. 只看个人利益,不管公司死活












































所以,要给别人洗脑,最简单的策略之一就是直接引用专家的说法。以数字主导式的表达方式阐述观点。专家们说话时有一个常用的套路, 比如医学专家经常这么说: 要看一个人的身体是否真的患了癌症,主要看5个关键指标。




6. 现场进行直接的可视化验证























最后老总告诉员工说: 毛毛虫要想过河,只有一种方法,那就是变成蝴蝶。毛毛虫在变成蝴蝶之前要经历一个痛苦的阶段,它在一个茧里面,暗无天日、没吃没喝。这种痛苦要经历很长一段时间。

































企业在不同的发展阶段该如何进行股权激励?欢迎参加WMA 的《股权激励与股权设计》课程, 为自己的企业量身定制一套有效调动员工积极性的共赢商业模式!把企业做强做大!欲知更多,请浏览股权激励与股权设计网站











每个人在刚开始上班两三年,必定会遇上很多难题考验,就算不必为买房子、吃穿发愁,但总有些东西是他希望得到却得不到的。 没有人会一直仅仅满足於上班之前的生活,他们会要求更高。工作上要升职加薪、对象要百里挑一……这样,他们才会有优越感,才会让別人更看得起他。但这种优越感,不是谁想要就能拥有的。

上班之前一无所有,那不是你的错,刚开始上班两三年,如果还身无分文,那就是你的错了。当然,不光要物质上富有,精神上更要充实。 物质上的财富有可能转瞬即逝,精神上的财富却可以天长地久。明白了这些,刚开始上班两三年的我们就要勇於承担,固然会活得累一些,但会其乐无穷,毕竟有所成有所不成。否则,碌碌无为,谁想过那样的人生呢?





Malaysia’s economy to moderate to 4.7%, World Bank

The World Bank expects the Malaysian economy to ease to 4.7 percent prior to normalising to five percent next year.

In its East Asia Economic update, the bank noted that lower oil prices will dampen growth via delays in capital expenditures in the oil and gas sector, which is a key driver of the recent investment boom.

“Private consumption will moderate on tighter credit and a small impact from the introduction of the Goods & Services Tax (GST), before rebounding in 2016,” it said.

“A slight uptick in inflation is therefore expected despite low readings in the first half as lower oil prices are reflected throughout the economy.”

World Bank also expects current account to narrow, “although upside is possible if manufacturing export growth retains momentum from the fourth quarter.” It noted that soft oil prices were the key risk to near term growth, external and fiscal accounts.

“Although the government announced a slew of expenditure cuts to remain on a consolidation path, over a fifth of revenues depend on oil, including a yearly dividend from Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas).”

It added that if prices of oil remain low, Petronas will be hard-pressed to maintain this dividend, particularly if it is to continue its large investment program.

Other risks include weakness within the global economy which could dampen export demand, renew volatility in capital flows as well as the realisation of contingent liabilities that have increased since the global financial crisis, it said.

Malaysia’s favourable economic prospects will support household income growth, albeit falling palm oil revenues will pose a challenge to smallholders’ livelihoods.

“While the introduction of GST may impact low-income urban households, most goods consumed by this group have been exempted or zero rated…Therefore, household income growth will remain on an upward, if somewhat slower, trend, with the share of the population earning less than US$4 (RM14.08) per day expected to decline further,” it said.


New development in Tropicana will appeal to first-time buyers, investors and those looking to upgrade

RESIDENTIAL property projects focused on lifestyle are all the rage and this is usually reflected in its top-of-the-range common facilities.

In this, the upcoming Lumi Tropicana does not fall short.

In fact, the developer of the project, Thriven Global Bhd (formerly known as Mulpha Land Bhd), is aiming to take the concept to a whole new level.

“Lumi comes from the word ‘luminous’, and we see that word encompassing many of the elements that make up a quality lifestyle,” said group managing director Ghazie Yeoh Abdullah.

“We see ourselves offering a complete package that features an Australian lifestyle, which we consider ideal in balancing quality with practicality and sustainability,” he explained.

One of the services that Thriven will offer residents once they have moved in following Lumi’s completion in 2019 are housekeeping services.

This will be provided through a Thriven subsidiary company, bringing real meaning to the term “service residences”.

Ghazie seen here with the model of Lumi Tropicana, which Thriven’s kickstarter project for its Lumi Collection that focuses on affordable luxury.

Ghazie seen here with the model of Lumi Tropicana, which Thriven’s kickstarter project for its Lumi Collection that focuses on affordable luxury.

On top of that, they will also offer concierge services and rental management.

With this load off residents’ minds, it is likely they will have more time to use the various facilities that Lumi Tropicana has to offer, including a 190m long pool and a private 1.2ha podium rooftop park with rock climbing features and sunken tennis and futsal courts.

Lumi’s four 35-storey residential towers will also feature different facilities according to each block’s theme, namely Play, Action, Wellness, and Business and Lifestyle.

Ghazie said that the Play block would come with facilities suitable for families with children such as a kid’s jungle gym, study room and fully-equipped music room while Action features a squash court and table tennis, among other things.

Wellness will be the home for the gym, yoga and pilates zones and a self-spa section, while Business and Lifestyle will feature a fully-equipped conference room, meeting room, wine and cigar lounge as well as sky dining.

Units come in three categories featuring the smallest, a 80sq m two bedroom and two bathroom layout to the 206sq m three-plus-one bedroom and four bathroom unit featuring a large balcony.

“Each of the 744 units will be equipped with kitchen cabinets, hob and hood, wardrobes, air conditioning, shower screen, plaster ceiling and lighting and owners will find many of our signature touches in small details throughout their units,” Ghazie said.

Lumi Tropicana’s show units are done up in neutral tones.

Lumi Tropicana’s show units are done up in neutral tones.

He also said that Lumi took pride in offering affordable luxury, which meant rather than focusing on solely on expensive feature such as marble floors and such, they would also emphasise quality and practicality.

“This allows us to transfer the savings to other parts of the unit,” he said, adding that they would also offer furnishing packages for an additional sum.

Ghazie also said that with its location in an established neighbourhood, the project would be surrounded by various amenities including a golf course, an international school and several malls.

An LRT 3 station is also scheduled to be located right beside it.

He said the take up rate for the first two blocks, Play and Action, had been very encouraging.

Buyers range from those in their 30s to retirees in their 60s.

They include first-time buyers, investors and those looking to upgrade.

The sickle-shape block arrangement for Lumi Tropicana ensures all residents have unobstructed views. — Photos: RAJA FAISAL HISHAN/ The Star

The sickle-shape block arrangement for Lumi Tropicana ensures all residents have unobstructed views. — Photos: RAJA FAISAL HISHAN/ The Star

“We hope to be able to launch the third block at the end of the first quarter of next year and the final block at the end of 2016 or early 2017,” Ghazie said.

He added that prices for Lumi Tropicana started from RM900 per sq ft.

Lumi Tropicana will also include SOHO units and retail lots. The latter will not be sold but managed by Thriven’s subsidiary so that the tenant mix can be controlled and they are able to bring in businesses to add value to the property and the lives of its residents.

Ghazie also said that they expected the project to be completed by the middle of 2019 as construction started in the middle of November.

Lumi Tropicana is the first of Thriven’s Lumi Collection, a series that they intend to develop into a full-range hospitality management brand.

Resources: starproperty.my

King of the Hill

Introducing 8Kia Peng, I-Bhd’s gift to Kuala Lumpur, that exudes class, elegance and prestige.

 8Kia Peng stands tall above the rest and is a single tower block with CONQUAS compliance standard.

8Kia Peng stands tall above the rest and is a single tower block with CONQUAS compliance standard.

Tucked away on the prime terrain of Kuala Lumpur is Jalan Kia Peng, a road that is filled with historical essence dating back to the golden days of ‘towkay’ Choo Kia Peng, which the road is christened after.

The exclusive stretch was also home to many of Malaysia’s elites, including the country’s founding father, Tunku Abdul Rahman. This was aside to Jalan Kia Peng being selected as a premier location, where royalty often stayed during their visits to Kuala Lumpur, with some popular landmarks such as Istana Hinggap Terengganu, Istana Johore, as well as Istana Kelantan.

Today the semi-circular Jalan Changkat Kia Peng is lined with several chic and vibrant high-rise offerings juxtaposed against the age old bungalows providing breathing area from the hustle and bustle of the city, placed delicately within the city centre. Jalan Changkat Kia Peng is also home to several international embassies such as the South African Embassy and Philippine Embassy.

80% of the units offered at 8Kia Peng have direct views of the Petronas Twin Towers.

80% of the units offered at 8Kia Peng have direct views of the Petronas Twin Towers.

Stepping upon this territory of such distinguished lineage is I-Bhd’s pioneer Kuala Lumpur project, 8Kia Peng, dubbed King of the Hill. The development is one of the newer luxury additions to strut into this pioneer neighborhood of Kuala Lumpur and will offer a freehold 50-storey tower built upon a 1.05-acre peak. The development will offer 442 units in total, with 315 of those units sold as service apartments and the rest offered as small office home offices (SoHo).

8Kia Peng is a high-end development in the city by I-Bhd, the people who are currently building a city – I-city in Shah Alam. 8Kia Peng will establish I-Bhd as a high-end developer. Adding to that, 8Kia Peng will also be CONQUAS-compliant.

8Kia Peng is positioned above the rest, with its lowest unit located at level nine, 56m above the bustling Kia Peng, and equivalent to an 18 level tower that stands on this road.

Each unit within this residence is also designed to enable its residents to enjoy the natural vistas of the surrounding Kuala Lumpur city centre skyline.

Residents of 8Kia Peng can relax at the facilities deck while enjoying majestic views of KL city.

Residents of 8Kia Peng can relax at the facilities deck while enjoying majestic views of KL city.

The development is targeted at those looking for unobstructed views of the Petronas Twin Towers, as 80% of the units featured within the 8Kia Peng development will have a direct KLCC view which includes majestic views of the twin towers as well as the Kuala Lumpur Central Park.

The unit sizes available within the 8Kia Peng development range between 718 sq ft and 1738 sq ft with two bedrooms dedicated to a unit. The layout is ideal for own stay, or even double up as holiday homes that can accommodate family and friends.

Each prestigious unit of the 8Kia Peng development is also designed to befit the ‘life of a suitcase’ lifestyle, as each unit featured there is fully-furnished and presented in a ready-to-move-in condition. This is a rare feature of this property as many residences in the vicinity are fully fitted but only partially furnished.

Owners and visitors into the residence will be greeted by the prestige of a five-star hotel with the grand double-ceiling hotel lobby design that drape the walls of the reception. Residents can also hold private events at the sky lounge on 46th and 47th floors of the residence. The facilities floor takes centre stage as it allows for almost an entirely exposed deck-space embodying a water body, while offering breath-taking views of the neighbourhood as well as KLCC in the foreground.

I-City is a RM9bil integrated ultrapolis development spread across 72 acres of freehold land in section 7, Shah Alam the capital city of Selangor.

I-City is a RM9bil integrated ultrapolis development spread across 72 acres of freehold land in section
7, Shah Alam the capital city of Selangor.

Cleverly selecting plant species to carve out private spaces, residents are able to enjoy floating chill-out-decks, lounges, as well as secluded corners especially dedicated to
a jacuzzi, as well as water therapy and an infinity-edged pool.

Proud owners of this property need not worry about feeling secure at 8Kia Peng as the residents are ensured privacy with the security features as well as dedicated lifts to respective floors.

8Kia Peng is located within the Zone 1 of the Golden Triangle and is surrounded by some of Kuala Lumpur’s most popular landmarks, such as the Petronas Twin Towers, as well as Pavilion Mall and Suria KLCC. The residence is also located within close proximity to five-star hotels, such as Mandarin Oriental and Grand Hyatt. For the health conscious, Prince court Medical centre is also located within a short walk away.

The development is also easily accessible via road, MRT, LRT and monorail, aside from overhead bridges that are all currently in place.

The RM829mil development is affordably priced as compared to similar developments launched nearby at just RM2,300 per sq ft. The creation of 8Kia Peng – the King of the Hill – has always revolved around its address and is all still about the address.

Resources: starproperty.net

10 Things Productive People Do Before Bed

The most productive people all have certain habits in their daily routines that contribute to their success. They understand that their success starts and ends with their mental and physical health, which is almost entirely dependent upon their habits before bed time.

So, here’re 10 things successful and super productive people do that leads them being in the top 20 percent of money earners in our society

1. They review their day

Steve Jobs was a strong proponent of living life to the fullest every day. He wonderfully explained this concept when he said: “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful, that’s what matters to me.”

All successful and wealthy people, before going to sleep, they think about if what are doing has meaning. At the end of each day, they think about how have positively contributed to the world and review if the goals achieved are in line with their overall vision. Thus, they make plans to track their progress and take notes to put the best in every single things they do.

So today, before going to sleep, review your day because it will force you to clarify what you want and motivate you to take action on your goals.


2. They write down their thoughts

Emmy-winning talk-show host Ellen DeGeneres used to write down her thoughts, feelings and emotions when she was younger:  “Writing is truly cathartic, because it just lets it all out and brings the best out of you”.

Super productive and successful people write down their thoughts,  sensations, feelings and emotions. They try to analyze when and why things went right and wrong. They write to improve their communication and thinking skills to be a better leader. So, by writing things down you can help yourself to sharpen your thinking, clear your mind, destroy negative self-talk and pay attention to your most dominant emotions through the day. Journaling may tell you something that you haven’t really paid much attention to about yourself or about your life.

People like Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Charles Darwin, Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Carnegie, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Winston Churchill kept a diary, so why not giving a shot?


3. They stick their noses into books

This is the proof that readers are great leaders. Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates is an avid reader. Each night before bed, he spends an hour reading a book, ranging on a variety of topics.

Many successful people in the world are voracious readers. They read at least for 10-20 minutes before going to bed every day and they learn from what others talk about. They expand their know-how to be better prepared to lead and motivate their team and build multimillionaire businesses.

Another big benefit from sticking your nose into a good book on a nightly basis is because reading  improve the long term health of your brain.


4. They set priorities for the next morning

With so many things happening on a daily basis it can be really easy to lose focus on what you are trying to accomplish. That’s why, before bed time, productive people review their schedule and plan for the following day.

They make a list of everything they have to do and before they start working they set priorities on the list. This allow them to go into the next workday feeling better prepared, more confident, and less stressed. Include this life-changing tip in your daily routine by writing down your top 3 to 5 most important tasks you need to do the next day. If for any reason you don’t do this, it should be the first thing you do every morning. And remember, every minute spent in planning saves 10 minutes in execution.


5. They spend quality time with family

“A man should never neglect his family for business.” -Walt Disney

Totally true! You have to spend quality time with your family in order to get connected and stay connected. Life is really hectic, and whatever you are an entrepreneur or an employee it always feels like there are a million things to do and the clock is against you.

But it’s really important to treat time with your family as a priority. So spend more time having meaningful conversations with your children, siblings or parents. Turn off the TV, eat dinner with your family and talk. The more time you spend together, the better chance you have of sharing quality experiences.


6. They get things done

Super productive people use their skills, talents, energies, and knowledge to the fullest extent possible. They do the things that need to be done, not just the things they like to do. They are willing to work hard and to commit themselves to getting the job done by the end of the day.

Nobody knows this better than US President Barack Obama that start the day the night before. When he awakens at seven, he already has a jump on things. We all have 24 hours and you need to use your time wisely, that’s why successful people squeeze the most out of those 24 hours as they can.


7. They do a digital detox

After being collapsed to the floor from exhaustion and lack of sleep, Arianna Huffington has been an evangelist for “unplugging”. In her best-selling book Thrive, she shares the importance of disconnect from our hectic life, relax and take care of our body and soul, redefining what it means to be successful in today’s world.

So, every night before bed, put your phone in another room, turn off the Tv and spent some time in stillness. You will feel your energy soar and overall health improve. In addition, you will have more time for other activities you really enjoy.


8. They spend time in nature

There is no greater example than Sir Richard Branson. However as Branson has demonstrated throughout his hectic business career, that doesn’t mean you have to cut out the things you enjoy most in life. To be refreshed and ready for anything, you need to find time to go in nature and have fun.

If you can’t swim in the crystal clear water of the Caribbean, having a walk routine could be a perfect way to turn off your thoughts about work after a stressful day and reflect on different things that interest you or to just empty your mind and enjoy the silence.


9. They meditate

Russell Simmons, Tim Ferriss and Oprah Winfrey, just to name a few, all meditate in the morning and before bed to perform to their full potential throughout the day. In fact, when our mind is more relaxed we are more receptive to ideas and find even easier to focus on frustrating tasks.

So set aside 10 minutes each day before going to sleep to meditate and let your thoughts flow naturally. The next day you will be more energetic, focused and productive.


10. They envision their future

Many successful people take a few minutes before bed to envision a positive outcome unfolding for the projects they’re working on. Oprah Winfrey is one of the world’s super productive people who use visualization techniques to picture tomorrow’s success and get clarity on challenges and obstacles. So, spend a few minutes each night visualizing yourself as successful the next day. This will help motivate you to make it happen because you’ve already seen it in your mind’s eye.

If you can develop these 10 habits of successful people you will increase your productivity overnight and your life will be a lot better. So, what successful habits do you practice before going to bed?

Resources: lifehack.org