7 Tips to Help Strengthen Employee Bond

Happy Employee

Employee bond is an important element of workplace productivity. Everyone in the office needs to feels like they are part of the team but by simply throwing a group of people together in a large work space does not constitute employee bonding. It  is quite  difficult to quantify. So how can you get employees to bond as a team? Here are seven  inventive suggestions you can implement right away in your organization.

1.Create employee development plans

According to Aberdeen report, the top reason employees stay with a company is they feel challenged by their work.  To make a real impact, your employees’ work needs to support the company’s growth goals. You can do this by making an employee development plan for your employees. This will help you create clear direction on how to increase their skills and advance their careers so that your business can forge ahead.

1. Seek Opportunities to Socialize Outside the Workplace

Whether it’s taking everyone out to lunch or a karaoke night, planning a social outing away from the workplace is proven as the best method for helping employees bond. When people talk about their personal lives, they identify things in common and build bonds based on them. These bonds lead to trust and respect, which lead to a willingness to collaborate and perform well together. An informal setting offers people the opportunity to relax and talk to each other about something other than work.

2. Promote Work Life Balance

Work-life balance matters, and it is becoming an increasing concern for many employees and employers. Creating a work environment that promotes work-life balance and gives your employees the flexibility to balance both aspects of their life will improve relations and ultimately create a strong team.

3.Offer Regular Compliment and Encouragement

Take an interest in the career development and job satisfaction of each direct report. When someone is doing a good job, take the time to let them know they are. A little positive reinforcement goes a long way. You can send a quick email of praise when a particular project goes well. Send an annual or monthly or even weekly email or note reminding them of how much you appreciate their work. Make it clear to higher-ups when someone goes above and beyond. When your employees know you notice the little things, they’ll want to be on the ball every day.

Employees mingling outside workplace

4. Seek Opportunities to Socialize Outside the Workplace

Whether it’s taking everyone out to lunch or a karaoke night, planning a social outing away from the workplace is proven as the best method for helping employees bond. When people talk about their personal lives, they identify things in common and build bonds based on them. These bonds lead to trust and respect, which lead to a willingness to collaborate and perform well together. An informal setting offers people the opportunity to relax and talk to each other about something other than work.

4.Establish team rules

Rules are everywhere. From the sports field to in our daily interactions they exist. And they exist to keep everyone safe and on the same page. How can we more forward together if we don’t know where we stand? Rules will safeguard the success and productivity of a team. Establishing rules early is best, For example, like ‘No Cell Phones during meeting’ or ‘Wear Pink on Wednesday’  but be willing to consider changing them if they’re hindering rather than helping the team. You can write them down or just chat about them openly. Either way, you should be clear on why they exist and ask for feedback from everyone.

5.Celebrate Success Together

Celebrating your success as a team will bring people closer together, encourage conversation, and boost happiness. By doing this, you’re weaving them into your team’s culture and the benefits will become lasting and more impactful. You’re also reminding people what your goals are that it is achievable and worth striving for, which will keep motivation high. It could be a big lavish trip to somewhere or simple dinner together but the main goal is to get everyone together and have fun!

6.Foster Empathy and Compassion

Creating a bond of trust starts with empathy and compassion. Empathy is feeling with others. You have to put yourself in another’s shoes emotionally. Compassion has been described as “empathy-in-action.” Feeling with another is helpful, but take the next step and put that empathy into action. If your employee is not in the right term sit down and talk it out. If they are in a of need emergency despite the works are overloaded try to understand their situation and come up with a solution that works best for all. Sometimes that’s a practical action, sometimes it’s emotional comfort, and sometimes it’s both. When you feel empathy and show compassion for others, it builds trust.

7.Establish team rules

Rules are everywhere. From the sports field to in our daily interactions they exist. And they exist to keep everyone safe and on the same page. How can we more forward together if we don’t know where we stand? Rules will safeguard the success and productivity of a team. Establishing rules early is best, For example, like ‘No Cell Phones during meeting’ or ‘Wear Pink on Wednesday’  but be willing to consider changing them if they’re hindering rather than helping the team. You can write them down or just chat about them openly. Either way, you should be clear on why they exist and ask for feedback from everyone.


I hope these tips will help you build stronger emotional bond with your team that can help you and your team thrive.





















Do’s and Don’ts of Facebook Marketing

Facebook is the world’s biggest social media platform. It has 2.2 billion active users with 1.45 billion users everyday. Do the math, you can see quarter of the world population uses Facebook every month. If that is not a solid enough reason to market yourself in Facebook then I do not know what is. Facebook has now became part of our daily live and it is inevitable. Apart from being the biggest platform to connect people from across the world, Facebook is also the heart of advertising. It has become extremely beneficial to manage company. However, there are certainly unwritten rules when it comes to marketing in Facebook. Master this and you can master the art of marketing in Facebook.


Let’s starts with the Do’s.

  1. Do know you audience – This the basic yet most important part of marketing. Know who your target audience and aim for them. Having a broad audience range does not really work in favor especially if you are trying to sell a product or service. Instead, understand the group of people you are targeting and works towards getting their attention. Facebook, in this case is very handy because it offers extremely functional targeting option.Make sure to use full use of them.
  2. Do include Landing pages-  What are landing pages? Landing pages are website which serves as an entry point to another website. Facebook has always been keen in helping self owned businesses to brand themselves. Landing pages is a great way for your audiences to learn more about your company or product and increases the potential of possible customers.
  3. Do include call to action- Your content is the key to attract potential customer but just words is not going to help. You need to engage with your audience and try to get them to subscribe or buy your product. Facebook has lots of options for these such as creating a voter poll, urging customer to sign up or donate and you can even sell or advertise your products.


Now let’s look at the Don’ts.

  1. Don’t include too much texts- Even though, Facebook does not have a word limit but no one likes to anything online with too many words. Facebook is lighthearted platform hence the content and marketing there has to be something the viewers like. Instead of words you can swap with a video or image and make it more interesting.
  2. Don’t neglect mobile users- Most marketers tend to forget this but bear in mind most Facebook users are mobile users hence make sure your content is mobile friendly.
  3. Don’t mislead people- This is a big mistake and can potentially cause you to lose lots of viewers and buyers. Be clear and direct rather than draggy and confusing.


These are some of the most common do and don’t of Facebook yet most people get it wrong. Always remember it is the small details that matters. So, make sure to take note of all the little details of the page and do not overdo it with too much or too less information. Hopefully, this was helpful.


5 Unique Personality Traits to be a Great Leader

According to Forbes, nearly one-third of employees don’t trust their management. In addition to this, employers now have to cater to the needs of the millennial generation. On average, after graduating from college, a millennial will change jobs four times before they are 32. Most of them also don’t feel empowered on their current jobs. Main reason to this is because the leader are not able to foster a sense of trust and loyalty in their employees. But, what is great leadership? In business context, great leadership is the ability that to make concrete decisions and inspire others to perform at their most productive and effective leadership.Also, the ability to set and achieve challenging business goals, take decisive actions when faced with challenging business scenarios, outperform the company’s competition, take calculated risks and continue moving forward even in light of failure. Again, what does it take to be a great leader?

Here’s a list of few quality that most inspiring leaders have in common. Which is also what you need to improve and inspire!

Barrack Obama- Charismatic Leader



  • Infectious energy with a passionate drive towards the goal
  • Highly effective at kick-starting their team into action and solution problems
  • Example: Barrack Obama

“We did not come to fear the future. We came here to shape it.” Obama


Adolf Hitler- The Commanding Leader


  • Forceful personalities that are unapologetic in reaching their goals
  • Not over powering just very determined in achieving target
  • Demands strict and discipline
  • Example: Adolf Hitler

“Strength lies not in defense but in attack” Hitler


Mahathir Mohammed- The Democratic Leader

3) Democractic

  • Makes everyone in the team feel valuable
  • Acknowledge each individual inputs
  • Creates a dedicated workforce by giving them ownership of the company’s business goals
  • Example: Dr. Mahathir Mohammed

“No one should have extra influence on an organisation. We should always regard ourselves as equals in the organisation, and we should be concerned about each other’s problems.” Mahathir



  • Down to Earth and humble to all
  • Lead by example thus showing people if you can do it, so can they!
  • Don’t allow anyone in the team to fall prey to bad moral values and teachings
  • Example: Mohandas Gandhi

” One must be as humble as a dust before knowing the truth” Gandhi


5) Courage

  • Boldness is blessed as a virtue
  • Be fearless and lead others to go outside of the box and take risk
  • Have confidence and communicate your idea to the whole team
  • Example: Nelson Mandela

” Courage is not lost of fear.It is inspiring others to move beyond” Nelson Mandela


Common SEO Problems and How to Fix Them

Dealing with Google can be frustrating at times because customer service barely exist and trying to understand why your site isn’t on Google search list despite all your effort can get you haywire but do not let these horror stories dishearten you. Most, of the time if a site is experiencing Google problems, it is only temporary and SEO problems are rarely irrecoverable. It is simply a matter of finding out the underlying root of the problem. These articles outlines some of the most common SEO problems that plague web creators and the solution to the problem.


1.What do you do when your site is not listed in Google at all?!

If you have just launched your site it is possible Google has not crawled your site yet. To find out you can do a quick spot check at “site:yoursiteaddress.com” into the Google search bar and check to see if the site pops up. If it doesn’t show it just means Google hasn’t acknowledge your site’s existence.


Solution: Generate a handful of backlinks to your site and intensive social sharing helps big time. For example, tweeting a link to your site a very quick and effective way to ensure your site is indexed and sharing it on Facebook, Instagram and getting others to share it helps. Within 24 hours your site should be up on Google search list. To find do the same quick spot check.


2.What to do when your business is not ranking for your business name?!

It may be surprising but business not coming up in the top position in Google for searches for the official business name is a common issue among brand new sites. Google is smart but sometimes you need to give Google a nudge to associate your new site with the name of your brand.


Solution: Again fix by building links to your site with your brand as the anchor text. It does take time though could take up to couple of weeks for Google to realize your site. A quick trick is to do a search for the business directory used in your country and include a link of that back to your website. The more link the better! Social media helps too.

3.What to do when your ranking have dropped off?!

Remember though you have reached the top spot in Google ranking but there’s no guarantee you are going to stay there forever. There are billions of website competing for that spot. Hence, it is an ongoing effort. So, if your ranking dropped off from the top position and moving further down chances are it has been affected by Google updates.


Solution: Keep updated on new Google updates. On the other hand, it is also a sign to setup your game as lowering rank means your competitors have simply acquired more links. So, always keep an eye on your competitors and try to find out how many backlinks they have got and the goal is to gain more than them.

There you have it. These are some of the most common problems in attempt to gain more SEO. Hopefully, it was helpful.

Mobile Friendly is the NOW


A we all know people nowadays are accessing to internet from wide range of devices. So, you can say your readers are looking for an information just on their computer or laptops high chances they are on their phone too.Traditional websites are not exactly formatted for mobile displays hence does not render well with android phones or Iphones. So, it is important to quickly transfer your website to a mobile friendly manner. Many company are aware that this is an important issue which can affect the bottom line of your business. One of the best example would be Google where they changed their site’s algorithm to something more mobile friendly now.So, mobile friendly  simply means your users can you content using their smartphones. Putting it in a more complex term, it means you need to produce and design a content and a layout that can fully utilize the incredible capabilities of smartphones in a smaller space. To do so, your site has got to be able to deliver an user-friendly experience for the viewers. For example, without having to tap,zooming in, turning the screen horizontal and so on. The easier it is to use the more views the site is going to get.

But why is going mobile friendly matters? Simply because everyone is using smartphones these so it is the fastest way to the reach to your readers. Readers want easy access to your site and get information quickly so if you are not optimize for smartphone then will not be able to provide readers with up to date information hence you lose your credibility.Which is another why mobile friendly is so important because it builds credibility with your readers. Plus, it has become a standard best practice among all company to come with web designs that are mobile friendly so you do not want to be out the game.

Plus, it is also a matter of reputation. If your website does good and gives an amazing experience to your readers across many devices it will increase the standard and image of the company. People will keep coming back regardless if what device that they are on knowing that it is going to be a smooth experience. Always bear in mind, reputation is everything.So, if your reader has one bad experience navigating through your site it is enough to damage the whole name. Hence, you cannot afford to give people a bad experience whether on computer or mobile devices.

Now, that we know why mobile friendly websites are important let’s change focus to how to make your content more mobile friendly.This is where most people make mistake. People often translate what’s on their website to mobile but the problem here is that what’s work on your computer will not particularly work on the phone due to reasons like space, attention span,size and so on.

Main difference mobile users and computer users are time span. People on phone are always looking for something on the go hence the attention span is short so your content has to be short and simple. Avoid pop-ups, though it works on for computer but on phone it is a huge mistake. Pop ups that is required by law such as age or nationality are fine but annoying interruption that requires signing up or require you to buy something will damage the reader’s experience and will hurt your SEO.When it comes to mobile friendly sites the main goal is to provide readers with quick and easy to access content. To ensure this, you must make sure your users is not bombarded by too many elements at once.

To conclude, websites that are no mobile friendly are certainly out of the league and we are moving in a high speed digital landscape. It is important to always stay in trend and keep close to people’s need.Therefore, ignoring mobile optimization is not just bad for SEO but also causes your site to lose countless sales.




1. 坎坷- 从联合创始人到被踢“出局”




























2. “菩萨”心- 重新回归,吃亏是福

















3. 总结





How Keywords Leads to SEO Success

Firstly, let’s start off of with what is keywords?

Keywords in the context of marketing are the words and phrases in your web content that make is possible for people to find it via search engines. They are extremely fundamental and significant element of SEO because it is through keywords people are able to find you online. The core idea of modern day marketing is to target audiences using specific keywords or phrases. Hence, keywords work as a bridge to connect you to your audiences. So, as I said earlier keywords are the core of SEO. A proper set of keywords is the key to a successful marketing campaign.

Just before we get into into how keywords boost your SEO standing, let me just emphasize on how important are keywords to boost your SEO standing. If you rank you  site highly for the wrong keywords, you can end up spending lots of time and effort only to find out that you did not generate any traffic. Doing plenty of research before the setting a specific and right set of keywords for your web content is without a question the most important part of the whole process because audiences search for words or phrases that they think will give them the best result for question that they are looking for. Hence, your keywords must stand out. This strengthen the bridges between you and audience and take you a step closer to the ultimate goal which is to get more traffic and generate more profit. Plus, prior keyword research helps you save money  by letting you focus only on the keywords that is delivering the results. In other words, you need to know what your audience are looking for in order to make it easy for them to find you.

This is why keywords are so important because they are directly connected SEO performance.But how to make the most of the keywords? Firstly, by placing keywords in a proper manner that optimizes ranking on your page. This helps you to improve your page ranking on search engines. Always remember, quality is more important than quantity.Therefore, when you optimize the website page the relevance of the keyword is more important than the number of keywords you are actually using. Low keywords relevance may cause a higher bounce rate and hurt the website ranking.So how to know which keyword would work the best for you? Well, that is a very delicate process of just trial and error. There are certain guidelines though which can help understand better in picking the right keyword for your content. Google Adwords Keyword Planner is one of the best tool for this. Google Adwords is one of or I personally think is the best platform for traffic. In order to fully optimize Adwords you firstly need an active running campaign on the app and also spend some good money will is definitely not wasted. There are also other paid apps that is also useful in the mission of finding the right keyword for you.

Keywords are divided into few categories. One of it is Broad Keyword. As the word suggest, this is something short or could even be just one single word which is relevant to your content. For example, if you article is about what drinks you must try in Starbucks the keyword could just be Starbucks. However, finding the one word for the whole subject could be challenging which is why broad keywords are costly and drives less Click Through Rates (CTR).Another type of keyword is Long Tail keyword. Again as the name suggest this are long words and phrases which is relevant to your content. For example, again if you content is what drinks you must try in Starbucks the keyword would be Starbucks coffee or Coffees in Starbucks. In comparison to Broad Keyword, Long Tail Keywords drives more CTR and the search volume is low. However, there’s not guarantee that all long tail keyword will work for you but the traffic is certainly more relevant. Apart from that, there are also Navigational Keyword and Informational Keyword. Different types of keyword serves different type of brands and purpose. So, know which works the best for you.

Most marketers makes mistake here where the only do SEO keyword research once and not bothering to update and expand their SEO keywords list. Plus, another common mistake is using keywords that are too popular. If you to your web content to excel avoid all these instead constantly update your keywords and it is a long tedious ongoing process so do not quit or get lazy. Most importantly, diversity is the key here. You are not going to stand out if you use the same old keywords as your competitors.  Not only should you try new keyword search tools and keep track of the results, but you should feel free to experiment based on your own research. For example like who else uses your keywords? And how do you make yourself stand out?The simplest answer to that is by providing great content that truly answers the questions your prospective customers are asking with their keyword searches.



















那么为什么上市价格就会涨呢?这个其实是 A 股 IPO 给大家的错觉,在A股上市很少有破发的,这几年基本没有。反而是一上市就是三倍五倍的上涨,造富了千万人,很多公司上市了就不再想安心创业了,而是已经”功成名就”,于是编故事,蹭热点,抬高股价,最后清仓式减持。这就是当下 A 股的现状。

随着新股越来越多,市场承受不住了,未来肯定会有上市就破发的股出现,但不知何时会。当然相信我们 A 股会越来越成熟,终将见证超级公司的成长。























01. 携程

















02. 腾讯



















