The Secret to Be in Rich in Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Let’s unveil the mystery behind your birthday and learn the art to make use of your destiny to bring fortune.

ARIES, March 21st to April 19th

You love taking risks hence you can be an incredible investor, gambler or entrepreneurs. You’ll make a well-deserved fortune by betting on something. The stock market is waiting for someone like you!

 TAURUS, April 20th to May 21st

Your independence and laser focus will allow you to do something no one else could pull off. When a Taurus gets rich, you know they’ve really earned it because whatever happened, it was a project they pushed through with their own blood and sweat.

GEMINI, May 22nd to June 21st

If there’s one thing Geminis have no shortage of, is IDEAS.  Everyone knows you are the go-to person for a solution. You are very passionate about everything you do in life. So, turn your passions into a wildly successful.

For the Most Accurate Career Predictions, Click HERE!

CANCER, June 22nd to July 22nd

You don’t care about money and would only want to make money because it represents love for some people. Opening counselling centres, social services school or investing in humanitarian activities allows you to be addicted to your jobs and rise through the ranks.

LEO, July 23rd to August 22nd

No deny, Leos love to be the star of the show. You’ll leverage your ability to entertain people whether it’s through writing, performing, or anything artistic. Just remember to loosen up your ego and be a team player.

To find out How Your Life is Going Be This Year, Click HERE

VIRGO, August 23rd to September 22nd

You’re so damn put-together that it’s almost impossible for you not to figure out how to make a lot of money.  So, try to invest in field or venture most people think is undesirable or difficult to make profit. Bare in mind, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure…

LIBRA, September 23rd to October 22nd

Libras are really good at building relationships. Turn this ability to get people to trust you into a valuable business partnership. You can also help your friends to win the lottery and get half of the money in return!

Here’s The One Health Problem Each Zodiac Sign Most Prone to Have in 2019. (CURE PROVIDED!)

SCORPIO, October 23rd to November 22nd

Scorpians are confident to the point of aggression. You’ll likely make your money the old fashioned way, by being a little bit of a jerk but smart enough to pull it off. So, your fortune will be made by convincing other people to see things your way.

SAGITTARIUS, November 23rd to December 21st

Your great sense of humour is your advantage. It might not be getting your own show on Comedy Central, but your humour is what makes you so likeable. Your wealth will be a result of your ability to make people laugh.

CAPRICORN, December 22nd to January 20th

Your shrewdness will allow you to do what others can’t or won’t. You have the gift of being hardcore realists and being real is going to get you what you want. You see a hole in the market and you must attack.

Here are the 7 Luckiest Colors in 2019 To Improve Your Luck and Bring More Cash.

AQUARIUS, January 21st to February 18th

Your gigantic heart and love for helping others will reap financial returns. You’ll become the well-paid executive director of an NGO or start your own business that centres around helping others. Karma works and good things happen to good people.

PISCES, February 19th to March 20th

Creative minds always stand out and Pisces are extremely creative. Whether it’s a popular book, song, restaurant or craft of another kind, Pisces are born artists. Use that magic and turn art into a business.

But remember THE REAL SECRET TO BE RICH IS HARD WORK! So, work yourself up and earn your way to bring more bling

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Guidelines for Entepreneurs to Choose the Best Social Platform for Marketing in 2018

Today social media platforms has become the essential tool to build and branch out as a business.

More and more consumers are using these channels to find new companies and engage with their favorite brands. That is why it is vital for businesses to be strategic about which social media platforms they work to build a presence on.

The key to successful social media marketing in 2018 will be choosing the best social media platform for your business and planning strategically on how to sell your brand in those platform. Remember, what works with Twitter crowds won’t necessary work in Instagram. Youtube videos won’t fit in Facebook profile video. 

It is based on a number of factors, including the type of business you have, what audience you are trying to reach, your specific goals, and much more. Below, I’ve put together a quick and simple guide to choosing the best social media for business today.


Why Facebook for Marketing?

  • 2 million monthly active users, it is the world’slargest social media platform
  • Diverse and large audience demographics being those aged 25 – 34.
  • Even gender balance, 76% of all female users and 66% of male users. Facebook users are statistically proven to be  smart and earn decent.
  • Educated users, 74% of Facebook users have completed some form of higher education.
  • Average income user, About 72% of Facebook users that have incomes of over $20,000 annually.

3 Best Features for Your Business

  1. Targeted digital advertising platform- With Facebook ads, you are able to target those who are most likely willing and ready to purchase your products or services. This ensures that your business gets your ad content in front of the right users at the right time.
  2. E-commerce integrations- Facebook makes it easy for users to purchase from your company through the social media platform by just  clicking one button.Through
  3. Facebook messenger- You can also provide shipping updates and other order notifications through the Facebook platform as well.



Why Instagram for Marketing?

  • Instagram has more than 700 million active users
  • Has the biggest brand followers, 50% of users follow brands on Instagram.
  • Young demographic, 53% of people ages 18 to 29
  • More female users than male users

3 Best Features for Your Business

  1. Unique and engaging visual content- Unlike other social media platforms, Instagram is focused on visuals. You can use Instagram to showcase your products and tell your brand story in a way that’s visually appealing.
  2. Live Instagram stories- You can take live video and share it with all of your followers. Easily provide behind-the-scenes footage of your business and share important news and updates with your followers.
  3. Direct Messaging-  Instagram also allows you to message users directly and can a great tool for customer service.


Why Twitter for Marketing?

  • Twitter is the go-to place for the latest news and trends on a variety of topics. 
  • Equal gender, 24% of men and 25% of women use Twitter.
  • Young demographics, 36% of users between the ages of 18 to 29.  
  • Least college experience
  • Urban users

3 Best Features for Your Business

  1. Hashtags– Allow you to follow and participate in conversations about trending topics in your industry. You can use hashtags to reach new audiences who might be interested in your content.
  2. Multiple ads options and format- . You can promote your account, which will show up in the left column or promote a tweet from your brand, which will appear
  3. Promote a certain trend- Your company may be using to start a conversation among target the user’s Twitter feed. T a conversation among target users.


Why Youtube for Marketing?

  • Second largest search engine in the world, What’s more is that YouTube users are watching a billion hours of video each day and generating just as many views.
  • Wide audience range, 18 to 49-year-old
  • Predominantly male, with 55% male users and 45% female users.
  • Great brand engagement, 74% of YouTube users will watch brand channels weekly.
  • Highest conversion rate, 63% of users have taken action based on a brand or creator video on YouTube, Best Features for Your Business

3 Best Feature for Business

  1. Unlimited amount of video hosting– An affordable way for businesses to publish video content that can drive more engagement and influence conversions.
  2. Easily integrated- So you can easily shares across other platforms like  onto your website or to other social media platforms
  3. Boost SEO-  The content that you post on your brand’s YouTube channel is searchable in both YouTube and Google. That means that Google may just serve your YouTube video content in its search engine results page.
















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The Importance of Online Customer Reviews To Boost SEO Ranking as a New Business

You’ve probably heard it time and time again that listing your company’s review on websites and social media pages  is a crucial step to your ongoing visibility and a great opportunity for customer service. But why is that?

This article will take you through how consumers are influenced by online review, the  importance of online and how that affects your SEO and lastly few cool tips to get those positive reviews flying across all your various channel and straight into your consumer’s heart .

If still  not convinced of the value reviews provides and how that relates your business’ visibility, then this one’s for you.

How Consumers Are Using Online Reviews before Making a Purchase?

Before we get into the data surrounding how online reviews impact consumers’ purchases, it’s important to consider where online business reviews fit into the purchasing cycle for desired products and services.

Typically, by the time someone has started looking at review websites like reviews on your product pages or Facebook, Caroselle, Twitter or elsewhere, they have already figured out what they need and how a business might ideally fulfill that need.

The critical thing to note is that the mental gap between reading a review and making a decision is ridiculously small  and customers typically decide yes or no almost immediately. So, as a small business, your online reputation can directly influence your bottom line.

But, how many consumers actually read online reviews?

According to one recent survey, 84% of shoppers said they trusted online business reviews as much as a personal recommendation from friends or family.

But exactly how many reviews do they read before making up their mind?

About 68% of consumers will read four or more reviews before they can trust a business.

Consumers are also changing their habits when it comes to reading positive reviews. After reading a positive review, customers are now less likely to go on to visit a business’ website straight away.

While that affects your e-commerce traffic, customers who read positive reviews are far more likely to get directly in touch over the phone over via email, or by visiting in person.

5 Main Reasons Why Online Reviews Matters for Your Business Growth?

1) Give you valuable feedback with regards to what your clients actually want

Analyzing both the good and bad reviews people leave for you helps keep your ear to the ground with regards to overall customer satisfaction and public opinion.

Reviews provide insight into how your average consumer thinks about your service or industry, rather than what you think about what you offer.

It provides a unique peek behind the curtain, allowing you to learn about the real value you provide to your customers.

Analysing your reviews  can be a surprising avenue for market research and honing in on your value proposition.

2) Raise your credibility and endorses social proof through words of mouth

Human being are inherently social creatures, and we like to know that someone else has had a good experience with a company before we make a buying decision.

Much like we would ask friends and family for recommendations, review sites allow us to do this online.

Online reviews  are also a valuable thing to pursue if your company is quite new but you have a few happy customers under your belt.

Look at it this way – which company would you rather buy from – one with fifty 3-star reviews or one with five 5-star reviews?

Overall, reviews enable new companies to stand shoulder to shoulder with more established competition, and potentially gain a positive foothold in people’s estimation.

3) Provides other consumer valuable insight that you may not have thought of.

Reviews do not only gives you information on what should be improved but also other new consumer details about your product/ services.

Hence, certain minutiae that you hadn’t given a second thought could be stated which some might find  impressive and attracted to your product/ service.

Negative reviews too help to qualify leads.

If someone mentions that you don’t provide a certain product or service, their review will inform others in need of that service to look elsewhere.

4) Reviews are becoming more significant to people’s purchasing decisions

It is in fact a trend that shows no sign of going away. As the older generation are coming online and the younger generation growing bigger, online reviewing is only set to grow further.

According to Vedanta, 92% of consumers in 2016 read online reviews compared to 88% in 2014. Your business may as well stake its claim within this growing arena!

The more people are attracted by your good reviews and become satisfied customers themselves, the more good reviews you get.

It is as simple as the more good reviews you get, the more people come.

5) Reviews can have a positive impact on search engine visibility

Search engines are acutely aware that online ratings sites provide a popular and usually reliable picture of a company’s quality.

Because reviews have the potential to show prominently on Google search results pages, people may see how awesome you are before they even go through to your listing page or website.


Why Online Reviews Matter For Local SEO?

Search engines loves online reviews because consumers love online review

 Review provides consumers with what the believe is the most accurate information which help them predict and make decisions about their future purchases.

The faster they can do that, the more consumers will turn to them time and time again.

Additionally, according to MOZ’s  Survey, online reviews are thought to make up 10% of how Google and other search engines decide to rank search results.


Strategical Tips to Get More Positive Customer Reviews on Different Reviews Sites


 On your on website

  1. Make it easy for customers to navigate through your website and complete a purchase,
  2. Minimize the number of steps to actually buy your product or services
  3. Try to stick to 1-2 sites to collect a large number of reviews rather than spreading a few reviews across several sites
  4. Start by focusing on the sites where you have the most reviews and create your strategy from there.
  5. Email your customers after they’ve purchased something from you. Send your customers an email from a real person
  6. Follow up your customer after purchase by  opening few lines of communication then politely asking them to leave a review
  7. You can request a review for the specific product they purchased, subtly weave it into an email with an alternative goal, or include a link in your email signature.
  8. Create A Testimonials Page On Your Website
  9. Consider reaching out to past customers to be featured on your testimonials page


  1. Use social media platforms like  Instagram to search through your tagged photos and look up branded hashtags for your products.
  2. Send direct messages to the individuals who have posted about your business and thank them for sharing, with a polite request for a more formal review


  1. Your reviews and star ranking are one of the first things a user see upon visiting your Page.
  2. To collect reviews, make sure your reviews tab is activated. This is done through your Page Settings under General.
  3. Some companies have private Facebook groups for customers. This would be an ideal opportunity to pop your head in and share a link to the site you’re collecting reviews on.
  4. D not re-target ads on Facebook because it can be useful for encouraging conversions, but not ideal to request a review.
  5. Just be sure to avoid annoying your customers by capping the frequency at which they see the ad.




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5 Essential Skill Every Marketer Need in 2018 to Knock Competition Out

The problem with most marketers is that they too much to do with too little time.Which is why it is important for marketers to have a plan before launching a campaign. This will keep you ahead then the rest in the same league.

Though general speaking, marketing, is not a skill set that people are born with and can be mastered in a day but there are certain skills you can pick up to be better.

Statistics by Reuters shows that Marketers are struggling to succeed with the demand of the current generation.

More than 55% of marketers consider their marketing personnel to be “unskilled” in terms of satisfying customers need.

So what can you do to become a better marketer?

Here are 5 marketing skills to practice to be able to live up to the needs of the new generation.

1. Focus on Multifaceted Content Creation

Multifaceted content means content that offers different types of perspectives. Add new content frequently and consistently and the same content can be repurposed and formatted for different social media platform.

Post videos on sites like YouTube and maintain a strong social media presence for your brand.Use tools like Hootsuite to make publishing and management of content to various channels easy.

Manage a range of channels and keep them all in the air to be successful. Multifaceted content creation is can be a  challenging concept but promises potent results.

Remember to keep the content fresh to you are reusing the same content in multiple channels.

Focus on quality content that establishes authority. This may take more of an initial investment but can do a number of things for marketers.

2. Optimize Existing Marketing Channels

Know how and when to optimize your existing marketing channels through testing and audits.  Previous channel success does not guarantee future performance so conduct a regular website audit.

Ultimately, the goal is to have pages performing well with calls to action and high conversion rates. Constantly review the pages and make a plan to work on other aspects that need fine-tuning.

Search engine optimization rules are constantly changing so reformatting and new techniques need to be incorporated in marketing strategy and constantly updated.

For example, graphics content, special offerings and advertising need to be informed from the objectives and campaigns of the company as a whole and tie into efforts within other departments.

The optimization of website efforts, inbound, email, and social media are necessary to properly penetrate your market and achieve best results.

3. Create Strong Customer Relationships

Customers are very savvy and are bombarded by sales pitches and advertisements every time they go online. So, it is pivotal to create an organic relationships with individuals and form a loyal customer base.

The aim for marketers is to build ongoing relationships with customers. Know their needs and attune messages to address their concerns. Listen to their feedback.

If there’s negative feedback from marketing efforts, be open to hearing the complaints and review your strategy because perception marketers and companies have of what customers want can be vastly different than the reality.

Learn about consumers. Combine efforts with internal departments. Align marketing strategy with company objectives, campaigns, and messages. Plan and initiate efforts. Review and reflect on results. Lead with knowledge and informed experience, not guesswork.

4. Learn to Understand Analytics Data

The key is paying close attention to exactly what that data is telling you. Data can provide extensive insight into customer behavior and the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

According to The Top 5 Google Analytics Reports for Social Media Marketers, there are 5 ways to watch the behavior of incoming leads from the data being generated from marketing efforts.

  1. Filter social media traffic.
  2. Watch for conversions.
  3. Quantify traffic to social media venues.
  4. Create and implement “
  5. Understand the link between marketing efforts and sales.

Learn where to look and the tools to use to effectively and efficiently direct marketing efforts. If the tools that you are using do not provide analytics, it may be time to upgrade.

5. Be Patient!

Most successful marketing campaigns are not launched overnight. Ihe marketing landscape is changing continually at a rapid pace, efforts aren’t always going to be immediately successful.

Become a master of testing and constant iteration. Be patient and observant.Especially in the age of social media, it is vital to allow an appropriate amount of time for your campaign to breathe and grow.

Allow time to get enough feedback to inform next steps and tailor your marketing strategy. Pay close attention to areas of success and those needing improvement.

If you immediately identify problem areas of an ongoing campaign, feel free to make adjustments. Remember: a lack of immediate success does not make a campaign a failure!


In conclusion, the honing of marketing skills means an increased ability to drive more revenue to your business in a variety of ways. New perspective helps to stay ahead of the curve in an ever-changing landscape.

Do not chase the trends of yesterday in a failing attempt to recreate a past success. Focus on constant quality and create the trends of tomorrow.


Can Spirituality Drive Business Success and Profitability?

The spiritual life is, at root, a matter of seeing. It is all of life seen from a certain perspective .

Spirituality Is The Essence of Life


Of course there is. The state of our business reflects the state of our mind and the state of our mind is reflected on our work. So, when we feel positive and our head and heart are aligned, we attract positive results. Every time we pursue negative thoughts, they get reflected back. In business term, it is reflected in the form of problems. This is where spirituality come as guidance. Spirituality helps in spreading positive energy within yourself and to others around you. In today’s business world, values and ethics are given less attention while making money has taken over everything else. So, giving due attention to spiritual values into your workplace will build great sense of spirit in their work environment.

Spirituality in business can be described in many different perspectives. Some may say that, it is  simply embodying your personal moral values such as honesty, integrity, efficiency, and good quality work, treating co-workers and employees  as a human being in a responsible, caring way. Some of may say that, participating in spiritual study and activities such as prayer, meditation, or intuitive guidance at work. And for some, it’s making their business socially responsible in how it impacts the environment, serves the community or helps create a better world.


Well there’s many connotation to it. It can mean anything that you think it is to be honest. For example, responsibility, integrity, moral, honesty, accountability, quality, cooperation, caring, service, intuition, loyalty, trustworthiness, respect, justice, guidance, motivation & passing benefits to concerned.

All these business ethics spiritual values at workplace will lead to increased productivity. Research by various agencies revealed that, many companies’ works with demand confidentiality about spiritual techniques and afraid of disclosing unconventional approaches adopted for betterment of organization, interns to take the lead compare to competitors.

Employees at all levels in the corporate increasingly want to nourish their spirit and creativity. When they are encouraged to express their creativity, the result is a more fulfilled and sustainable. A study by Wilson Learning Foundation, an award-winning training company, stated that around 40% of the variability in corporate performance is attributable to the personal satisfaction of the staff.  Spirituality was cited as the second most important factor in personal happiness.

While, some business people are comfortable using the word “spirituality” in the work environment, as it’s more generic and inclusive than “religion.”  Instead of emphasizing belief as religion does, the word spirituality emphasizes how values are applied and embodied. Other people aren’t comfortable with the word “spiritual” and prefer to talk more about values and ethics when describing the same things that others would call spiritual.  

There’s some fear about spiritual beliefs or practices being imposed by employers, but to date this has been extremely rare.  On the other hand, some observers warn about the potential for superficiality and the distortion of spiritual practices to serve greed. Key spiritual values embraced in a business context include integrity, honesty, accountability, quality, cooperation, service, intuition, trustworthiness, respect, justice, and service. For example, The Container Store chain nationwide tells workers they are morally obligated to help customers solve problems where they’re not just to sell people products.



Researchers revealed the several certain issues like, to survive into the 21st Century, organizations must offer a greater sense of meaning and purpose for their workforce. In today’s highly competitive environment, the best talent seeks out organizations that reflect their inner values and provide opportunities for personal development and community service, not just bigger salaries.

Those who are strongly motivated from a spiritual orientation can see clearly that there are many possible benefits to be gained from embracing spirituality at work. The benefits evolve from really knowing how to treat people well so that they thrive and are able to accomplish their best within the organisation.

People can be highly productive, innovative and cooperative in the right environments. They can feel fulfilled through their work and know that what they do each day is of value. This brings an important sense of meaning and job satisfaction. It generates happy and enthusiastic employees and productivity rises. Invoking spirituality is a way to help create work environments where people can thrive and flourish.

In a spiritual work environment, people thrive because:

  • The organisation, through line-management, takes a personal interest in their development and success
  • People are encouraged to be all that they can be
  • They are appreciated, challenged and excited at the opportunities they have
  • Business leaders promote trust and empowerment
  • Participation in collaborative dialogue is encouraged – instruction and control minimised
  • Employees are supported, coached and thanked
  • Positive emphasis is placed on relationships, ethics, inspiration and reflection
  • Successes are noticed and celebrated.

But many businesses are not like this! Rather they are run in ways that emphasise rationality, process, finance, the short-term and efficiency. Financial outcomes are often seen as the sole measure of success. Control mechanisms which are in place lead to self-centred behaviors.



Bringing ethics and spiritual values into the workplace can lead to increased productivity and profitability as well as employee retention, customer loyalty, and brand reputation. More employers are encouraging spirituality as a way to boost loyalty and enhance morale. A study done at the University of Chicago by Prof. Curtis Verschoor and published in Management Accounting found that companies with a defined corporate commitment to ethical principles do better financially than companies that don’t make ethics a key management component.  Public shaming of Nike’s sweatshop conditions and slave wages paid to overseas workers led to a 27% drop in its earnings several years ago. Another example, is the Business Week magazine report that found productivity improves and turnover is greatly reduced when companies engage in programs that use spiritual techniques for their employees.

Researchers point to several key factors. Corporate downsizing and greater demands on remaining workers has left them too tired and stressed to be creative at the same time that globalization of markets requires more creativity from employees. To survive into the 21st Century, organizations must offer a greater sense of meaning and purpose for their workforce. In today’s highly competitive environment, the best talent seeks out organizations that reflect their inner values and provide opportunities for personal development and community service, not just bigger salaries. Unlike the marketplace economy of 20 years ago, today’s information and services-dominated economy requires instantaneous decision-making and building better relationships with customers and employees.

Employee moral is important for a company to maintain, to keep high productivity and low levels of absenteeism and turnover. An important part of morale is connected to an employee’s ability to keep their spirituality intact and parallel to their work identity. If your spirituality or religion is a very important part of your life, it’s only natural for all other areas of your life to be affected, as well. There is a strong connection between body and mind. If your employer restricts your spirituality in that certain practices are not allowed, it can begin to affect your productivity.

The sustainable business, social investment and spirituality in business movements are one of the hopeful signs that business, as the most powerful institution in world today, may be transforming from within. What is emerging is a new attitude towards the workplace as a place to fulfill one’s deeper purpose. As World Business Academy cofounder Willis Harman remarked many years ago, “The dominant institution in any society needs to take responsibility for the whole, as the church did in the days of the Holy Roman Empire.”  Each day, more and more businesses are helping to create a better world by being more socially responsible in how they treat people and the environment. They are proving that spirituality helps–rather than harms–the bottom line. As Kahlil Gibran reminds us in The Prophet, “Work is love made visible.”



The differences between spiritual organizations and others are very subtle and they have a great deal to do with how we hold and react to the events that surround us. In a spiritual organization, people are much clearer that they are there of their own choosing and that they are masters of their own destiny. People are much less likely to think that they are victims. People tend to treat each experience as an opportunity for personal growth. Thus when they get angry or their ego gets bruised, they are more able to work with those situations in constructive ways.

Thus a spiritual organization differs from the more ordinary kind in that it has much better “self-righting” mechanisms. When something goes wrong, people have a natural tendency to bring it back on course, even if that takes a little emotional risk. In other organizations, everywhere you look things have gone wrong – people don’t keep agreements, people are angry with each other, teamwork is inadequate, managers treat their subordinates like children rather than delegating responsibility – but these problems get locked in because it takes too much risk to confront and correct them. In a spiritual business, two forces work to correct such problems:

Another characteristic of a spiritual organization is that it has a visionary focus. The organization as a whole has a vision, one that the employees are attracted to. People are there for a common reason, a reason that excites them and causes them to want to put in their own energy. People feel ownership and commitment to a common purpose In conclusion, the organization as a whole has a commitment to deal with and resolve such problems. The individual employees have greater self-mastery and higher self-respect, and thus will not allow themselves to be imposed upon. These two forces create a much higher chance that problems will get confronted and corrected, and contribute to the organization’s “self-righting” mechanism.



That truly depends on what success means to you. If success is building and growing together then spirituality can certainly bring success to your business. Spirituality is the knowingness that we are all connected to each other and to something much larger than ourselves and that we are in awe and wonder of its vastness of being, its potentiality, its simplicity, its peacefulness, its synchronicity, its stillness, its aliveness, its presence, its beauty and its grace.

In much of the corporate world, we have been conditioned too long to operate mainly under a competitive flag that has been driven by intense focus on short-term profits. If businesses felt the same connectedness to each other, and were all inspired by a vision much greater than just their earnings, we can develop bond deepen long-term sustainable prosperity. What an amazing company that could be described by its potentiality for impact, its simplicity in its effective execution, its sense of well-being among its employees, its aliveness of energy in engaging customers, its presence in the community, its beauty from its creativeness, and its grace and dignity by which it conducts itself.

Spirituality expands our edges beyond the duality of what life presents us and into the joy of accepting that all things are possible. It is acknowledging that the unseen is just as much a force in our lives, as those tangible outcomes which our minds and eyes are accustomed.

The limitation in business world is imposed by its linear rules and definitions. It must be seen, it must be measured, it must be  reported and it must be controlled. The world is not linear, it is quantum. We live in an amazing world that is an ecosystem of connection and possibility. Spirituality enhances our intuition, which is our communication with the unseen. Our intuition is one of the most extraordinary gifts we have as human beings. It gifts us the ability to discern complexities beyond the restrictions of our reasoning mind. If ever there was a place for intuition, business and value creation is it.

To end, sspirituality pertains to an experience of spirit, and I believe that the business community is going to see that spirit is a matter of utmost concern to them. Spirit has to do with action and productivity. If people are not enthusiastic about their work, the work will suffer. We are coming into a time in which it is becoming obvious that a new way of structuring our organizations is vital for our happiness and productivity. We are just starting to discover that we can structure work so that it is enjoyable, fulfilling, and productive.






















7 Soft Skills Every Entrepreneur Need to Be Sucessful

entrepreneurship Self Made Success Path

Entrepreneurship is the idea of owning a business or a brand. The profession as a whole is all about embracing risk, having big ideas, and making major innovations that change how others do business.

While anyone who starts a business has a bit of the entrepreneurial spirit but true entrepreneurs are distinguished by a certain visionary quality. Take Steve Jobs, for instance, he renovated our interactions through phones and computers, or Mark Zuckerberg, who transformed how we stay connected with friends and family and absorb the news.

Most entrepreneurs know the importance of investing in themselves and building valuable skills which would improve their strengths over time. Your business plan should include growth targets to achieve, products to launch, new markets to enter, events to participate in and relationships to build. If you have these types of clear targets and milestones built into your plan, that’s a great start. However, it is equally important to have certain soft skills that will ultimately only help you become more successful in your business. Whether it’s setting aside time to improve on your weaknesses, or hire a coach to help you push into a new playing field with one of your strengths, investing in your skills is never a bad move. So, the next logical question you should ask me is which skills do I need to be the game changer?

Here are the top 7 skills entrepreneurs will need to master to be able to make a name for themselves:

1. Personal Branding

Everything is moving towards the gig economy where entrepreneurs, freelancers and even career professionals now jump between ideas, startups and employers faster and more frequently than ever before.  Tenure hardly matters, and what matters the most is your personal brand, a name and identity for yourself. The overarching message about yourself, as gleaned from your online presence, professional reputation, circle of influence and the trust you command from peers, followers, customers, employers and general public. You wouldn’t want to enter the market without a strong personal brand, and you definitely afford to loose the good brand image who created to negative comments. Bad online reputation will definitely damage the business. So bear in mind, create a good impression without trying too hard.

2. Authenticity

Authenticity has become a minimum requisite for providing morale and trust and also to achieve excellence in today’s world of business. Especially among millennial and across social media channels, being true to yourself without trying to be someone else is the main objective. Being labeled duplicitous isn’t something you’ll be able to recover from anytime soon. So, it important to always be creative and come up with new and exciting contents and ideas for your business rather just replicating what is already out there. Also, remember to  take every opportunity that you can to connect with your audience and show that you’re genuinely in the game to help.

3. Persuasive Writing

While visual contents like images, infographics or hi-resolution videos are becoming staple contents for website and even more to most social media platform, written communication still reigns its wow factor. Written documents are extremely handy when it comes to highlighting your leadership thoughts, crafting compelling copy for sales pages and inspiring people to take action. Without persuasive writing skills, you won’t stand out from other skillful and media-savvy professionals. Plus, your own written article about your brand or your business would give you more confidence in selling yourself and also the reader would feel more engage and have a better image of you than of you  sharing something irrelevant. Moreover, you will need an excellent writing skills for email marketing, blog posts, on-page copy, business proposals and more. So, brush up your grammar, learn new vocabulary and start writing!

4. Sales

Sales is what keeps the business alive. It is how the cash flows in, which is what you run the business for. A company that cannot sell its products or services Will for sure is quickly going out of business. Regardless of your craft, even artists, software developers, writers and just about everyone needs selling skills to get by in the business world. If you need funding, you have to sell your idea to investors. If you want to be a successful painter, you must compel people to buy the aesthetics of your craft. Whether you’re a job applicant or hoping to close a new freelance client, you simply have to sell yourself. It is crucial to have sales strategies and proper sale planning before even venturing into the business. You cannot expect people to invest in your product or brand without you trying to convince them into the idea of buying.

5. Stress Management

Stress is a common problem in all industry. To be honest, though it is not good to stress over things but nothing worth pursuing in life is easy. So, expect episodes of disappointment, struggles and stress. The are going to be pitfall along the way but the key is to remain calm and push yourself further. Stay afloat and win your game by learning how to manage stress and re-channel it towards a positive outcome. Whether you do that by being more organized, changing your mindset, or through prayer and meditation, learning how to deal with stress will keep both your business and your health in excellent condition.

6. Sharing and Collaboration

The willingness to  commit yourself to achieving your goals will get you a step closer to that. Business partnership with competitor is rapidly growing in today’s business. It’s no accident that information sharing, crowd funding and open source are key terms describing pillars of the new economy. Wikipedia and Shopee is a great example of how sharing and collaboration have created industry-changing products and services. As an entrepreneur, sharing your goals, progression and challenges on different channels can lead to surprising solutions, strong relationships and groundbreaking business.

7. Financial Management

Knowing how to manage and grow your finances is key to success both in your business and in your personal life. Lack of the ability to manage finances exposes you to the risk of becoming unsustainable, which often leads to bankruptcy, regret and going back to a full-time job. Develop discipline and prudence, especially when it comes to purchases for personal and business purposes. Learn both technical and practical techniques that’ll help you increase your income and re-invest in the right strategies to keep your business pushing forward into the future.

Tips to Build Trust with Customers as a New Business

Build Trust Hands to Hands

“The best way to learn if you can trust somebody is to trust them.” Ernest Hemingway

Trust is vital to any form of relationship including in the conduct of business. Some base level of trust is required just to have employment contracts, or to engage in commercial transactions and beyond such minimum thresholds, trust also plays a major role. The level of trust in business relationships, let it be external like in sales or advisory roles, or internal like in a services function is a prime determinant of success than anything else.


Trust is a bilateral relationship as simple as one trusts, and the other is the trusted. While these two are related, but they are not the same thing. It is all about trustworthiness. Often we intend more than one thing when we use the word trust. We use it to describe what we think of what people say. We also use it to describe behaviors. We use it to describe whether or not we feel comfortable sharing certain information with someone else and we use the same word to indicate whether or not we feel other people have our interests at heart, vs. their own interests.

People don’t primarily trust institutional entities, they trust other people. The components of credibility and reliability are sometimes used to describe companies or websites, but at least as often to describe people. The other components like intimacy and self-orientation are almost entirely about people. Living the four trust values is the best way to increase your trustworthiness.

Here are few reasons why trust is crucial to new businesses:

1) Trust makes you more reputable–  Trust cannot be reduced to pure behaviors. You can’t bottle it in a competency model. Our actions are driven by our beliefs, and our beliefs are driven by our values or principles. Trustworthy behavior is way too complex to fake without the beliefs and values behind them. If your values don’t drive you to behave in a trustworthy manner all the time, you’ll be found out quickly.

2)It will also create a good impression on others- If you are always focus on others like your client, customer, internal co-worker, boss, partner, subordinate for the other’s sake, not just as a means to one’s own ends.We often hear “client-focus,” or “customer-centric.” But these are terms all-too-often framed in terms of economic benefit to the person trying to be trusted.

3)Trust can create both joint goals and joint approaches- Trust can create collaborative approach. Collaboration here means a willingness to work together. A medium to long term relationship perspective, not a short-term transactional focus.

4) Trust makes you more transparent- A habit of being transparent in all one’s dealings.Transparency has the great virtue of helping recall who said what to whom. It also increases credibility, and lowers self-orientation, by its willingness to keep no secrets.



1) There is no business plan or unique values

Consumers tend to distrust new brands at first glance because people think that business firm ultimate goal is to make money, which is true but you have to put that to secondary and reach human values first to establish a more open and trustworthy relationship with people. So, to overcome consumer skepticism is to show the human side of your brand. Consider introducing yourself as the person behind the business to your customers,. This would also add authenticity and credibility to your brand, especially if you sell products that you made yourself.

By focusing on you as the business instead of just your products, you can tell your story and your brand’s story at the same time. This helps customers get to know you more, and build a bond which lays the foundation for them to trust your business, too.Some things to consider in business planning are who are your customers? How will they buy your products or services — in-store, online, or both? What’s your marketing plan? How will customers find out about your business?Answering these kinds of questions will help you ensure your products, services, and business idea are something that people will buy into. And with social media platforms at your fingertips, it makes the market research process that much easier.

It not only that you share personal experience  and demonstrates expertise, but also builds the kind of emotional connection with customers that only a small business can. Both of these factors can helps you gain trust and make the customer feel better about purchasing from you. Likewise, you can add a human face to your own business, entwining your personal story with your brand’s story. This is needed in business planning.

2)Incompetent customer service which distorts positive feedbacks

Positive feedbacks are the key to take your new business into the next stage. Systems that double as positive feedback cycles can likewise help you generate customer trust. For example, when your business is the subject of a glowing review, you attract new sales, which lead to fresh reviews, which lead to additional sales, and so on. Look to establish such feedback cycles through social media, press coverage, and word-of-mouth. There are a number of ways to quantify feedback loops. Find those apps and keep track, if you do get a negative feedback do not look away instead take it as a constructive criticism and build yourself from it.

Gathering and analyzing such data, and additional related data, could help you identify feedback cycles to develop. As a young company, one of the most important things you can do is simply deliver a great customer service experience. Customer service extends beyond the product or service you sell  it is the end-to-end experience for your consumer. It determines whether one purchase becomes several repeat sales, or whether that customer looks elsewhere to solve his or her pain point. Actions as simple as answering questions and concerns through email, phone, and social media can help you build both customer trust and your sales base.

3) Lack of information, data and statistics

One of the biggest reason why people do no trust new brands is because they tend to be vague and pushy in term of delivering content. Content is a powerful tool for connecting with new users who have no idea who you are. This gives you a chance to slowly introduce yourself but here is where most new business fail as they get aggressive in self promoting. Blogging regularly can show that you’re invested in your business and your customer’s problems  which is always a good sign for consumers but do not over do it.

Instead of bombarding with unnecessary informations focus on producing good quality content that can help consumers get more familiar with your brand. Take it a step further by sharing personal experience by using your product or services and develop a distinct brand voice. Both of these things will show the personality behind your brand and help people feel like they really know you and can trust you.

This is further aided by encouraging discussions that allows you to connect with people. Even if users only leave a quick comment, this gives you a valuable opportunity to talk to them one-on-one, establishing a personal relationship through their screen and inviting them to revisit the conversation again.The more customers know about what they’re about to buy, the more likely they are to actually go ahead and purchase it. Being specific instead of being general about the description of your product. If you are selling coffee state what coffee it is. For example, instead of coffee, Brazilian coffee sounds much better. Some things that you can consider adding to your product descriptions include exact measurements of the item, weight of the item, product ingredients/manufacturing materials, warranty information and any special product features and their benefits

Adding many images and videos as possible to demonstrate the product quality and how it can be used also helps. This allows people to envision it in their own lives, and the clearer they can see it, the more likely they are to believe you can deliver what you promise you will.

4) Provide no sense of security to the buyer

You always have to make sure that your site itself looks trustworthy. Cyber security is a huge issue in today’s world so if your business involves online purchasing bare in mind with consumers are wary about giving anyone their credit card information. So, they way to overcome this is make sure your site has protection. For example, use security-boosting apps, by display security badges on your store or use plug in like the McAfee Secure plugin and so on.

You can create multiple payment options. This will make consumers feel a little more comfortable about buying from you. For example, like offering PayPal. PayPal acts as a secure financial gateway that many customers prefer to use, feeling it adds another layer of protection. One study even found that while customers trust their primary banks more overall and didn’t like to deposit funds into PayPal, 69% of those surveyed believed that PayPal was better at protecting their financial information. If you’re able to offer payment options that users trust more, they’ll trust you more, too.

5). Poor accounting and financial tracking

Uncontrolled spending and poor money management are among the biggest problems for new businesses to fail. Startup owners mistakenly assume that if you build it they will come, and justify their expenses on the belief that the product release will bring in all kinds of sales. But there are no guarantees that customers will buy your product. Not knowing where the money is going is just setting the stage for an epic fail.

If your accounts is in complete chaos, chances are your finances aren’t too far behind. From insufficient capital when getting started, to cash flow problems induced by bad inventory management, your account back is most likely not in a good way.

To make set your business up for long-term success, it’s absolutely critical that you track every penny coming in and out of your small business. A major key to a successful startup is controlling finances. And one way to do this is through bootstrapping, or paying your own way by stretching resources as much as possible. This should be your first option for funding if at all possible.

6) Failure to understand the customers and their needs

Ask any successful business owners and they would tell you, the best way to increase revenue and is “get more customers.” While that is definitely a major way to add revenue, it isn’t necessarily the quickest or most efficient. We all know that it’s infinitely easier to sell something to someone who’s already bought from you than it is to a stranger. Your past customers already know, like and hopefully trust you. Beyond that, they understand the significance of what you offer and have proven themselves to be action takers.

However, small businesses you are just starting hence customer is and should always be your first priority. Think from the shoes of your customer and strategies yourself from there. Always remember give enough attention to customers.Listen to their feedback and understand the demand. Put in extra effort in tracking your customers buying pattern and social media always helps in this case. You can compliment your existing products or services to increase customer value, provide  additional benefits to your buyers by focusing a portion of your efforts on those you’ve already won over, you can decrease costs while increasing revenue. Best of all, you can begin to see results almost immediately.

If you find your new business can use some work in any of these areas, now is the perfect time to get started. If it seems too overwhelming to refine multiple aspects of your company at once, try starting with what’ll have the biggest impact and work your way back from there.



Here’s a clearer break down of trust in sales context as follows:

  • Engage: “I heard no return policy may be an issue for you, is that right?”
  • Listen: “Wow, that’s interesting! Tell me more about it.”
  • Frame: “It sounds like what worry about the most is the price of the product.”
  • Envision: “But, think about how you would look once we helps you get this fix?”
  • Commit: “What if we were to do a product demonstration ?”

Bond building leads to trust building. Remember to build a bond out of credibility, trust and loyalty and it would keep your customer base loyal and strong and grow bigger.

Here are few tips to how to create that bond:

1.Engage the client in an open discussion about the issues that are key to them

Listen to what is important to the client and earn the right to offer solutions. Avoid selling a solution that isn’t in the customer’s best interest. Sometimes you just don’t have the right solution at the right price. If that is the case, it is always best to be honest with the customer, instead of proposing something which you know will not fully deliver the outcome the customer is looking for.

2.Take personal risks to explore sensitive issues

You probably know the objections prospects have to buying your product or service. Address those head-on in your marketing materials and on your website.The more honest and forthright you can be when you take on possible objections, the more your prospects will notice and appreciate it. Articulate a point of view and give customers more options and reason to buy in your products rather than just emphasizing the fact they should invest in.

3.Envision an alternate reality or solution 

 Do not promise what you cannot deliver . New businesses find it very difficult to say no to the customer about anything. Telling the customer that a certain solution with specific features and benefits will be delivered by a specific deadline, when you know you can’t deliver, is a recipe for disaster. So, include win-win specific descriptions of outcomes and results and Clarify benefits and it make clear what’s at stake.

4. Be tangible about future states

Commit to actionable next steps that imply significant commitment and movement on the part of each party. . Always honor the relationships and finally make promises and keep them. Above all, you must do what you say, when you said you would do it.  This one skill alone will put you head and shoulders above your competition.

5. Provide proof 

You probably know the objections prospects have to buying your product or service. Address those head-on in your marketing materials and on your website.The more honest and forthright you can be when you take on possible objections, the more your prospects will notice and appreciate it.