4 Types of Co- Worker: Which One is You and How to Deal the Rest?

Have you ever wondered, how can one one of your co-worker gets so much work done in a day while you at your desk with a head spin.

Or how another co-worker is great with details and never misses even the tiniest thing, but tends to be over-analytic and takes forever to make a simple decision?

Or how sometimes even though he or she is a very nice person, great listener and fair team player  but they fails to please anyone.

Yet another is always enthusiastic, fun to work with, and has a million ideas. Too bad because they are all over the place and never seems to follow up, follow through, or finish anything.

This can be explained through the Social Styles” model by  Robert and Dorothy Bolton that has labeled workers into  four personality types: Driver, Analytical, Amiable, and Expressive

Of these four types of co-worker, which person would you most prefer to work with and why? Which one drives you insane? And, perhaps most importantly, which type of co-worker are YOU? Read below to find out!

  1. Driver

Someone who loves a challenge and is always willing to take risks.Works at a very fast pace, and is all about getting the job done! they don’t stop til the work is done, better to get out of their way.

Advantages: Direct, decisive, and determined

Disadvantages: Impatient, insensitive, dictatorial, and domineering.

What a driver would say: “Let’s go! Let’s get the job done right now!”

  1. Analytical

Someone who preaches the concept of slow and steady wins the race, and nothing slips through the cracks. The Analytical dots every I, crosses every T, and plays the game by the rules.

Advantages:  Precise, logical, careful, and methodical

Disadvantages: Striving for too much perfection, Over analytic, Draggy, Indecisive

What an analytical would say: “Let’s get the job done — but let’s get it done right!”

  1. Amiable

The Amiable genuinely cares about others, doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, and seeks to make people happy.

Advantages: Warm, approachable, friendly, inclusive, and a team player.

Disadvantages: Emotional, Sensitive, Lose sight of the task at hand and fail to get things done in a timely manner.

What an amiable would say: “Let’s get the job done, but let’s focus on the people!”

  1. Expressive

Someone who is always excited about a new project, investment or such but rarely reaches the destination though he has a good time along the way. Often is the cheerleader of the team.

Advantages: Energizing, a big-picture thinker, optimistic, visionary and multitasker

Disadvantages: Over excited, low focus, lazy


Now, you know which category you fall into, it also important to know how to handle the rest to ensure there is a unity and coherent flow in the workplace.

Self-awareness is critical, but it’s only part of the equation.To truly connect with and influence your co-workers, start by identifying their individual styles.

Then adjust your behavior accordingly. So, when dealing with a:

  • Driver: Cut the small talk, pick up the pace, and get right down to business.
  • Analytical: Make sure you did your homework. Prove that you know your stuff, and be prepared to defend your position.
  • Amiable: Find common ground. Connect with them on a personal level and build trust.
  • Expressive: Demonstrate your enthusiasm. Pump up your energy, and get them excited.


We all possess aspects of each of the four styles, but we tend to gravitate toward one or two of them. For example, my primary style is Driver but I also possess a little touch of Amiable.

Of course, each style has its relative advantages and disadvantages.

As an Analytical-Driver, I tend to focus on the facts and getting results in the most efficient and effective way possible. In the process, I may overlook people and relationships. But since I’m aware of this, I’m able to modify my behavior accordingly. Sometimes!

But the best teams are composed of a mix of all four styles. Since our natural tendency is to gravitate toward people who are just like us, few teams are so well-balanced.

But when Drivers, Analyticals, Amiables, and Expressives work together in a spirit of awareness, openness, understanding, and collaboration, you’ll find that as a “T.E.A.M,” Together Everyone Achieves More.