Investing the Right Way

Joint Venture Investing is the Right Way to invest. Why? It allow us to minimize the impact of invest and increase our reach on our investment road map. Let’s break it down into the essential part for investing in property. First we need a certain amount of capital, second we need to have a salary that able to cover our loan amount, third “age” which determine how long your loan term can reach as the longer the term the better and finally the knowledge.

For 1 person to able to able to fulfill all these is hard as it only few people that able to achieve that. So what about those that did not have the basic criteria to be able to fulfill? That when Joint Venture Investing is the right way to invest.

If a person who is in his/her mid 20’s which have the ability to get loans from the bank both in term of his/her salary & age but not the capital and knowledge, he/she must find a elder person who have the capital and knowledge. With both utilizing both advantage then the basic criteria is fulfill. We know well this is an method that exit the problem is preventing Joint Venture Investing melt down and a exit plan if one does not wanted to continue be involve, this is to protect both party.

Hence, this year PIC we are honor to be able to invite Chris Tan a lawyer and founders of Chur Association. He will touch on the the Joint Venture Investing and teach how to prevent dispute between joint venture party. Sharing his knowledge on how to be able to protect joint venture party and ensure that there is an exit plan in place to in cast any break of joint venture.

In the past joint venture investment is been known widely but the main cons is on the exit plan and also the dispute  arrangement. Therefore, if we remove both of these obstacle, joint venture investing is the right way to invest.

PIC 2015 – No Capital, No longer a Problem

Property investment can be a long-term endeavour, such as earning the rental an apartment building, or an intended short-term investment in the case of flipping. That is the way of property investment but have you ever wonder is there any other way to invest in property? Now this is where Property Investment Convention 2015 (PIC2015) come into play.

We all know investment mean you need a certain amount of capital and when we talk about property it is a ball game of “tens-of-thousands”. This makes investing an even harder game as for the young adults who just on their dawn of career or the middle-age men who had caped his loan ability due to his 1st property.

You might be thinking young adults who are in their mid 20’s is to be expected not to have the money to invest one way or another. However, during young age we have the spirit, passion and most important of all the energy to fight for what we want most. Money had been an issue of life whether you like it or not. Hence, investment should start at a young age when both your brain and your energy level are high, start doing it right.

For the middle-age group, if one had have his property house that enough as many are not even capable of owning any. Wrong, middle-age group are the one that needed investment even more as their family is setting up. Money will be even more important as the dependency of money increased.

PIC 2015 will open up your mind and guide you through a different method or we called it “Creative Method” to venture into property investment while keeping check with your financial budget. Join us and learn from John Lee (one of our speaker in PIC2015) how to invest in property with a different method.

Dump the mindset of investing the old and traditional way and learn how to invest a different way. John Lee will guide you through how to invest in a way that he had mastered in and are using it widely in Malaysia and also UK. Plus, he is a international speaker and own millions pounds of property all across UK.

Hint: Think about your car, which you are paying back loan to the bank after you buying it. Your driving it, using it, owning but do you really have full control in it? Try miss 1 month of loan payment, and see what happen to your car.

MOC《资本圈》企业参访 | MOC Capital Circle – Corporate Visit

Good news! < MOC Capital Circle> brought you another exciting corporate visit to Korea Wallpaper and Mediasoft Entertainment on 26th of June 2015! Entrepreneurs tends to learn from each other, increase value to the company, hence, create absolute advantage !!!

Below is the details of two company:

Korea Wallpaper:
-Founded in 2009, ASEAN’s Largest wallpaper gallery at KL, JB, Penang and Melaka.
-Industry leader showcasing thousands of collections imported from South Korea.
-Public recognise its BRAND for highest standard wallpaper at lowest price.

Mediasoft Entertainment:
-Mediasoft is a MSC Status Company and Autodesk Certified Partner.
-Malaysia’s largest game company with 80 employee come from Malaysia, India, Brazil, Germany
-Asia’s Awards winning and Star employer in the local game industry and Universities.

Corporate visitation agenda:
9.30am Korea Wallpaper Reception Registration
10am -11am Korea Wallpaper Corporate Visit
11.15am Mediasoft Entertainment Reception Registration
11.30am -12.30pm Mediasoft Entertainment Corporate Visit
1pm – 2.30pm Networking Luncheon & MOC Sharing
2.45pm End

Credit to <MOC Capital Circle> arrangement,Networking Luncheon sponsored by Korea Wallpaper and Mediasoft Entertainment.

Entrepreneurs and investors that eager to learn how to leverage on Capital Mechanism MUST register. Due to limited seat available, REGISTER NOW, FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS.

Instant Registration hotline:
Queenie +019 331 7818
Zoe +018 211 7178


好消息! MOC《资本圈》携您一起于6月26日(五)企业参访Korea Wallpaper 和 Mediasoft Entertainment!企业之间相互学习、提高企业价值、打造企业的绝对优势!

Korea Wallpaper:

Mediasoft Entertainment:
-荣获亚洲大奖与Star Employer、并获得Apple,Google Store 与Windows Store等各种奖项

9.30am Korea Wallpaper接待处集合报到
10am-11am Korea Wallpaper 参访
11.15am Mediasoft Entertainment 接待处集合报到
11.30am-12.30pm Mediasoft Entertainment 参访
1pm-2.30pm 午餐交流与MOC分享
2.45pm 圆满结束

在此感谢MOC团队的细心安排,也感恩Korea Wallpaper与Mediasoft Entertainment赞助午餐!

婷婷 +019 331 7818
佳蓁 +018 211 7178

PRESS RELEASE: Rise of ASEAN Conference and the 8th Global Entrepreneur Roundtable 2015


Rise of ASEAN Conference and the 8th Global Entrepreneur Roundtable 2015; First ever joined entrepreneur and investment outlook into ASEAN

2nd April 2015, Kuala Lumpur- MOC Capital Berhad in collaboration with wealth Mastery Academy and MICE Preferred has presented in-depth information with regards to The Rise Of ASEAN Conference and the 8th Global Entrepreneur Roundtable in Kuala Lumpur. A press conference was held at the Park Royal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur chaired by Dato’ Terry Ong CEO of Wealth Mastery Academy, Dato’ Tony Looi from Persatuan Usahawan Maju Malaysia (Pumm) and Datin’ Samantha Tee COO of wealth mastery academy.

The event scheduled for the 17th of April- 19th April at the Hilton Kuala Lumpur and will be attended by at least 300 delegates from around ASEAN. Malaysia, a growing nation was quoted to be as “A nation capable of being a central business hub for ASEAN for business and business expansion. We want our nation to match businesses on a global scale” this was a key talking point during the press conference, quoted by the CEO of Wealth Mastery Academy Dato’ Terry Ong. Besides conferences that are planned to take place on the specified dates, there will also be cultural night on the second day of the event. This is planned so that Malaysia can showcase to the world that Malaysia not is melting pot of cultures not only locally but also internationally. The introduction of Malaysian hospitality and culture to the other member nations and delegates was also very much stressed on.

Dato Tony Looi also quoted that “We want our nation to grow as a whole, to promote international businesses into Malaysia also matching them with existing businesses”. As quoted by Datin’ Samantha Lee “From the pass GER events we’ve manage to gain the followers and support to make this 8th conference a successful one. This would be the 8th conference that we will be organizing and it is honour as it will be hosted in our home nation”. This conference will provide an opportunity to both Malaysian and foreign delegates the opportunity to witness how that investments can transcend borders and local policies at the same time achieving the desired business aspirations that have been set.

As a whole, This conference is targeted to attract individual that are directly or indirectly involved in investment, entrepreneurs, small and medium business owners, bankers, fund managers, portfolio management and various investment authorities to understand better the economic climate and market ASEAN has to offer.

For more information, please contact

+6018 – 211 8178 / +6018 – 201 1178

ASEAN, the Future of Economic Growth

“ASEAN faces the future with confidence. Its strong foundation and remarkable achievements will serve ASEAN well as it pursues higher goals at the dawn of the new millennium. The ASEAN Heads of Government have reaffirmed confidently that Cooperative peace and shared prosperity shall be the fundamental goals of ASEAN. Economically, ASEAN shall move towards greater economic integration with emphasis on sustainable and equitable growth. Finally, ASEAN shall nourish a caring and cohesive ASEAN community, whose strength lies in fostering a common regional identity and a shared vision for the future, it all comes back to the basics and foundations that naturally is nourished among ASEAN countries.”

Want to know more on how you could be a part of this bright future? For more information on how you could be part of this kindly visit

Slow and Steady

“Slow yet steady progress has been seen in realizing the goals of liberalizing investment and capital flows. The signing of the ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement in 2012 was an important step in building a better business environment for the private sector in the region. Moreover, to enhance trade facilitation, the National Single Window (NSW) program has been implemented in the ASEAN-6 countries (Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand). The remaining members are catching up, with Vietnam and Cambodia having set up their respective NSW Customs interface. Initiatives to connect the NSWs to the ASEAN regional portal are also under way and will contribute significantly to reducing trade costs in the future.”

Thinking of setting the bar higher? For more information on how you could be part of this kindly visit

Setting Goals

“The goal of ASEAN economic integration is to become a single production base where goods can be manufactured anywhere and distributed efficiently to anywhere within the region. ASEAN needs to work towards the goal of freer movement of labour and capital, but in reality, integration and the free flow of resources will only be gradual,step by step, sector by sector. For now, opinions are mixed on how far ASEAN countries have come in doing everything necessary to make the big first step.

Governments and the ASEAN secretariat feel that more than 80% of their goals have been achieved, but the private sector does not see evidence of much progress when it comes to making it easier to do business across borders. Then again, some businesses, especially smaller ones, have done little or nothing to prepare themselves.”

Rise of ASEAN – Gateway to ASEAN

ASEAN Entrepreneurs Set To Widen Network At Joint Conference, Roundtable

KUALA LUMPUR, April 2 (Bernama) — Experienced and budding entrepreneurs are set to capitalise on the Rise of ASEAN Conference and the 8th Global Entrepreneurs Roundtable here from April 17-19 to widen their network and market access in the region and further afield.

The first ever joint entrepreneurial and investment events on business outlook and opportunities in ASEAN and around the globe will enable the entrepreneurs to showcase their products and services.

Organised by MOC Capital Bhd in collaboration with Wealth Mastery Academy and MICE Preferred, the events will provide opportunities for Malaysian and foreign delegates to address cross-border investments and local policies, MOC Capital Bhd managing director Datuk Terry Ong said.

“The conferences will delve on opportunities and potentials in ASEAN as well as explore strategies in making forays into the regional market of over 600 million people.

“The events are aimed at providing not only updates on the investment arena, but also to serve as a main networking-opportunity platform for all veteran and upcoming entrepreneurs, investors, irrespective of whether that are small, medium or giant, and investment bankers,” he told Bernama.

Ong said while Malaysians were accustomed to investment and global economic climate, many lacked in-depth knowledge of the investment arena, particularly in ASEAN.

He said the conferences would also provide an opportunity for Malaysian firms to participate in a one-to-one business-matching session with international companies with a few companies expected to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding.

About 700 delegates representing 20 companies from 30 countries are expected to take part in the events, apart from EU-ASEAN Business Council representatives and US-ASEAN business council minister.

Besides Malaysia, other participating countries include Singapore, Middle East countries, Belarus, Portugal, Columbia, Cambodia, the UK, and Australia.

Ong said cultural nights had also been lined up on the second and third days of the events to enable foreign delegates to familiarise with the Malaysian culture as well as to enhance business interaction.

Among notable speakers are SME Corp Malaysia chief executive officer Datuk Hafsah Hashim, SME Association of Malaysia president Teh Kee Sin, EU-ASEAN Business Council executive director Chris Humphrey, and Chris Daniel Wong of the ASEAN Retail Chains and Franchise Federation.

Organised in conjunction with Malaysia’s chairmanship of ASEAN this year, the event will be officiated by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Wee Ka Siong.

— BERNAMA, By Joan Santani Santanasamy

For more information, please visit

Big steps ahead

“Regional community-building will top the agenda. Malaysia will preside over the organization during a critical time this year in which it is expected to form an ASEAN Community (AC) by December 2015. While ASEAN elites have long been skeptical that the deadline will be met, Malaysia will help formulate the “post-2015” ten-year roadmap for this community-building from 2016 to 2025. Work on this has already started, but it will nonetheless be a huge task for Malaysia.”

Want to find out more on whats happening within the ASEAN region and how you can be part of it? Visit

ASEAN on a rise

“Being dedicated with the plans of actions and protocols, ASEAN will move closer towards its goal of building the ASEAN Community, characterized by greater political and security interaction and engagement, a single market and production base, with free flow of goods, services, capital investment and skilled labour and a caring society, focusing on social development, education and human resources development, public health, culture and information, and environmental protection.”

Lets grow as a nation together, for more information kindly visit